Win XP Repair Installation: Cannot copy's right THERE!


Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2005
I need to do a repair installation. I've tried different discs and versions of Win XP Pro, but no matter which version / disc I use, multiple dialogue boxes pop up, saying, "Unable to copy file mspaint.ex_ (for example)" and when I hit "browse," the file will be RIGHT THERE in the i386 folder.

My DVD-ROM works just fine. I cleaned it and the discs, but still no go. Apparently, I'm not the only one who has had this problem. There are lots of people complaining on the 'net, but I couldn't find anyone with a definitive answer.

Do you think swapping my DVD-ROM for a CD-ROM would help? I'm thinking that's my next step.
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Nine times out of ten this is a memory issue. If you have more than one stick, pull all but one and then try the installation. If that doesn't work, swap to the next one.
Could also be a hard drive issue, could be a bad optical drive, regardless of if you think its fine or not. The OS could be so corrupt you can't repair it or you could be ate up with trojans/spyware etc...