Win Vista: how can 2 items on desktop be "missing" when they are actually "there"??!


Apr 22, 2007
Let me explain that title... I am looking in the desktop directory which I accessed from "My Computer" (actually on WinVista it's called just "Computer" but you know what I mean). From looking in the desktop directory, I see some files there which I do not see on the actual desktop! There are two such files. When I minimize all windows and look at my desktop in its entirety, those two extra files are nowhere to be seen. Yet Win still thinks they're there somehow. If I try to paste the same file to the desktop, it asks me if I want to replace the one already there.

Ok ... now both files just randomly appeared all of a sudden. Problem solved I guess? But still, wtf?? Vista = epic FAIL.
The Icons may have been moved off the screen, I've had that happen before, annoying but pretty minor bug, since they came/come back later. Or you can select "auto arrange" which should fix it, then you can switch back to whatever view you prefer. (if it happens again or to anyone else reading this thread.)
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