Win 7 Network drive issue.


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2007
Windows 7 professional. IBM Lenovo T400 laptop.

The laptop came with XP on it with a License for Win 7 professional and 2 system restore disks for win 7 and all drivers and apps.

I have 3 network drives that are set to reconnect on start.

in system tray I get a message that says could not connect to all network drives.

When I go into my computer the drives are there and look normal. The drives can be accessed also.

All win updates have been done. Also driver updates have been done thru the IBM Lenovo site.

Can anyone help me with this or give me some insight into what causes this. Is it a Win 7 issue or an option I need to have checked or unchecked.
is this over a wireless connection?
if so, it's possible the wireless isn't fully connected to your AP, hence getting that popup, but by the time you open My Computer the wireless has connected and made the network drives available.
No it is not. The wireless is disabled. Same result whether wireless is on or off.
does your computer boot straight into Windows, or boot to the logon screen? (not having used Win7 much, can it even boot straight into Windows bypassing the login screen?)

yup, pretty much what I figured was that it was attempting to connect before the 'net connection was fully established.

OP, that thread heatlesssun posted a link to pretty much shows it being an issue forever, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Unless it annoys you, there is a reg entry you can add/change to delay the drives from being connected until they're accessed.
Thanks for info guess have to live with that. Just came across similar issue though. this one I cannot live with.

only one network drive shows up. I had 3 on restart or shutdown. anyone have that issue.
How are you mapping these drives....from within your client, or using a batch file instead? I have 5 network drives mapped on my work tower and laptop, and both have no issues, even using wireless on the laptop. However, they are mapped using a login script batch file tied to my domain account.

If this is a home system, what if you chose to map them by a batch file in you start up folder?
I map them through my computer. click map network drive.

Select reconnect at logon.

Whats frustrating is that its very intermittent. The drives can be there for 5 reboots

then on 6'th boot no network drives.
That definitely does sound like it could be related to the order or way your drivers load on start up. It reminds of how some XP boxes will load the Security Center and bitch about Av software not being installed....before the AV software loads.

Someone else could say better than me, but maybe a batch file method would work better because it would run later on in the boot process?
That definitely does sound like it could be related to the order or way your drivers load on start up. It reminds of how some XP boxes will load the Security Center and bitch about Av software not being installed....before the AV software loads.

Someone else could say better than me, but maybe a batch file method would work better because it would run later on in the boot process?

I agree with Deacon.

Creating a bat file or even vbscript linked to your startup folder, that way the drives are always re-mapped at logon.

Another question though, which I don't believe you answered... when you boot up your computer, does it go straight into Windows or the log-in screen?

If booting straight into Windows, it's very possible the network drivers are getting loaded later in the startup process, causing the drives to not map since the network isn't loaded when it attempts to map the drives.

If it comes up to the log-in screen, maybe next time wait an extra ~5 seconds before logging in?

just a theory
This happens to me everyday, its not an issue, its mainly due to your network connection not being active the split second you get your desktop. For me, even wired, the connection has to hit the network first. It's always been this way for me in many Operating Systems. Waitiing at the login screen sometimes seems to help for me.
The logons screen comes up. I wait 15 to 20 seconds before logging in.

Drives still don't show up.
The logons screen comes up. I wait 15 to 20 seconds before logging in.

Drives still don't show up.

in that case, it's definitely just Windows being wonky, and your best bet would be a batch file or vbscript placed in your Startup folder
can anyone give me an example of how a batch file should read for this with Win 7. Been long time since I wrote a batch file and I was never very good at it.

I don't know all the syntax off the top of my head, but I believe you'll be using the "net use" commands.
can anyone give me an example of how a batch file should read for this with Win 7. Been long time since I wrote a batch file and I was never very good at it.


net use <drive letter> <sharename>


net use x: \\servername\sharename
This happens alot and is no real big thing. It is just the network connection not being finalized by the time you login. While this delays startup time by a bit, we use the 'Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon' group policy for most machines at work the ensure all of that stuff gets finished before the user is able to use the machine.