win 7 64bit hp bsod cache manager


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 19, 2007
With my rig in sig i just started getting a bsod with the error cache manager. It only happens when i go to restore this new ipod i got with itunes. I got the bsod last night looked it up and google said ram or hdd. So i loaded up cod mw3 mp and played it for a hour with no problems, played new vegas for a hour no issues.

I tried to restore in itunes again and it did it again. The pc runs everything else fine, browsing streaming netflix, hulu, hd video playback and gaming. Im a little lost right now.

Im on my way to work and looking for ideas so i can dive into it when i get home. Thanks in advance
Well im stumped, memtest was good so was the hard drive test. Im just gonna reinstall windows now and see what happens. I rushed last time i installed it and didnt partition anything so i lost a lot of stuff because i could only make a 7gb partition and i filled it with photos. Lesson learned to say the least back it up or make a small partition just for your os...

Hopefully this works cuz im not going to bed til i fix it.
Well that was weird to say the least. Anytime the ipod was hooked to the pc it would lock up the pc then get a bsod. Reinstalled windows and itunes. Hooked up ipod messaged popped up there was a issue with the ipod. Selected scan for and fix errors, it completed. Turned on itunes and bam it noticed it restored it and everything is fine now.

I now know the ipod was messed up and everything is working right now, what a night