Win 2003 Server NIC issues


Feb 4, 2004
What could cause a nic to not come back up fully upon reboot?

On our server we have two gigabit network cards. One is built into the mother board and the other is an expansion card. They both exist on a Dell PowerEdge 2600 server. With the exception of static ip addresses, the configuration of the network cards is still factory Dell. At any given time, only one network card is plugged into the network.

The problem arises when we reboot the server. For some reason, the card which is plugged in won't come back up fully. It retains its address but can't send/recieve any information (we can ping it's own address and loopback, but nothing else). However, if we unplug the current card and plug in the other one, everything seems to work fine. This happens regardless of which card is plugged in upon boot.

I couldn't find any evidence of teaming, however I could have just missed it. What could be going on here?