win 10 is borked?

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No issues for this one on my machine, but I've run the gambit with issues related to previous Windows 10 upgrades. At least 2 of them needed a restore (or image back-up in my case) to fix.
Macrium Reflect has gotten a workout from me since Windows 10 came out.
Actually I had a problem BEFORE the upgrading. The start menu wouldn't show, but now its fine.
I'm convinced that there's something up with MS's patching process and Windows 10. Sometimes it just screws up. No warnings or error messages or anything like that. It just comes out broken.
I'll revert to an earlier image and do the same thing (even with physical media) and it'll work fine. Sometimes it's vice versa.
It doesn't usually happen with random "Patch Tuesday" type of updates, but whenever there is something larger - it's a crapshoot.
On my rig in sig, I did the upgrade and have not experienced any problems whatsoever.

However, on laptops I have been setting up, I first install Windows 7, then upgrade to 10.

I tried doing the upgrade to 10 on a few of the laptops on brand new from Dell HDDs with Windows 7 on them, and they would never complete.. or maybe I just got tired of waiting after 3-4 hours.

Another desktop I did took at least 6 hours to do the upgrade from 7 to 10.

I have found that it is way faster to do a clean install of 7, and then upgrade to 10 instead of upgrading an old install.

And after I do the upgrade to 10, I do a clean install of 10 off of a USB stick which takes about 15-25 minutes max if you have an SSD. Some have taken less than 10 minutes to do a clean install of 10.

That is my recommended route as a clean install is always going to be better than an upgrade install.
You don't have to do the actual install of 7 (or 8/8.1) and then install/upgrade 10 on top of that anymore - you can clean install Windows 10 directly and then activate it using the Product Key from 7/8/8.1 without ever having to actually do the "upgrade" in-between. From what I've read even though the official free upgrade ended on July 29th people are still taking advantage of it using 7/8/8.1 keys and doing the direct 10 install then activating with the 7/8/8.1 key(s).

And I'm not talking about that accessibility thing that allows someone to claim the upgrade for free, I'm talking about straight clean installing 10 then activating with the 7/8/8.1 keys which has been doable since about October 2015.
Just upgraded my wife's 10" Toshiba tablet and an 8" Asus VivoTab Note 8 using the Media Creation tool to create a flash drive install, did an up uncle install on both and everything went perfectly. The only issue so far is that the new Sticky Notes app crashes on the VivoTab for some reason and I've seen another report of the same problem on this device.

I think that Windows 10 is starting to come together pretty nicely. I know that's a controversial opinion around here but I'm having so few issues there's not much for me to complain about.
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