Will Vista RC1 set up a triple boot?


Mar 27, 2001
I currently run a dual boot between Win XP 32bit and Win Xp 64bit. Each OS is on seperate drives. I was thinking about partioning the Xp 64bit drive and installing Vista RC1. Will Vista automatically configure a triple boot so I can select from Xp x32, Xp x64 and Vista?


Yes, it should. Just make sure you aim the VIsta installer at the right partition during setup.
We set up a demo PC at work and are quad-booting both flavors of XP (Pro x86/x64) and both versions of Vista Ultimate.
Your original Windows XP boot menu will remain intact.

Vista will create an additional boot menu, and (as far as I'm aware) that can only include one legacy Windows entry. That entry, however will take you to your original XP boot menu.

(Or am I making a dick of myself just because I haven't had time to install RC1 yet?)

I'm trying the triple boot...wish me luck!

Any words of advice for setting up XP & 2000 & Vista all on the same notebook harddrive with 4 partitions (the 4th for data storage)??
It's not so much advice, but a suggestion. I would do 2000, then XP, and then Vista...in that order.
How about XP, Vista and Ubuntu? Install Ubuntu or Vista last? Or does Vista only multi boot Microsoft OS's?
In theory Vista will boot "Non-Windows(tm) Operating Systems". In reality, I prefer grub as a boot-loader.

I'd do ubuntu last, so that you don't have to reconfigure grub.

Note: I work for MS, so my signature disclaimer applies by double on this posting ;)
Ok I just install Ubuntu and I still had to manually edit the menu.lst file to get Vista booting again.
Im triple booting Xp Ubuntu and Vista and the boot is kind of wierd but it works Grub has me choose between Linux and Xp and if I choose XP I have to choose between Xp and Vista.