Wifi adapter(s) question


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2004
I have multiple wireless adapters sitting around, so I began experimenting with them.. benchmarking different ones, etc... just out of curiosity and boredom. One thing I've never really thought about is having more than one adapter (This goes for wired adapters also, I guess.. since you can also have more than one of those too obviously) to gain an advantage. Does having more than 1 have any performance advantages? I know you can bridge together different networks (etc) by having two adapters (ie. one for your network to your WAN/router, and say... one to connect to the neighbors network to be able to have access to his entire music collection, simultaneously - I know I could acheive this with just one adapter just not at the same time). Or another example I guess, would be to have one adapter that connects to your router, and setting another adapter up with its own IP address so that wifi devices, like phones or ipods can connect to it, and then share the internet connection that your other wifi adapter connects to. Anyhow... I know there are advantages and more things you can do with multiple adapters, but I'm just concerned with performance. Say I have an N adapter (set to N only), a G adapter, and a router that supports all major 802.11 standards. Would connecting both of them at the same time to the router have ANY advantage? I mean.. how does it even work, when using both to connect to the same router just for internet purposes? I mean.. say one adapter isn't getting a good signal, and the other is... will the one with the good signal "take over" and make up for the data that's not being sent as efficiently as the one getting the weaker signal? Or what about setting each to a different channel? Or one to 5ghz and one to 2.4ghz? I could go on and on with the different configurations, but you are all familiar with what I'm getting at, I'm sure. So... any ideas guys? :confused:

P.S. - Is there any downfall, either? I mean, would having two adapters cause collisions in the air? Are collisions while being sent through the air possible, and the adapter needs to resend, like on a wired network?