Wierd issue at install today...


Nov 20, 2005
Went client's to swap out a SonicWALL Pro 100 for a 2040. I had previously completely configured the unit a the office. I get out there, plug everything up, and everything seems to be going good. But there was a problem with the two DCs. I could not get out to the internet. I could ping local IPs but not public. Public addresses would not resolve. DNS was running locally on the DC as well. Also, since this machine could not get out to the net, none of the other machines on the network could get out. They all used the DC as their only DNS entry. I checked the DC for any configuration that could be causing this and found that it was running RRAS. The DC (set up as LAN router) is also the gateway for all the other machines on the network. It seemed to forwarding any reqests it recieved to the firewall to get out to the net. Not quite sure why it was like that, but it seemed to be working before the swap.

Since there was no internet on the DC, i decided to turn of RRAS and specify the gateway of all servers and desktops to the new SonicWALL. The DC could still not access the internet. If I chanded the primary DNS (Since nothing could be resolved due to lack of internet) on the other machines they could get out just fine. It really was blowing my mind.

How you can not have internet on the DC when a gateway and public dns are present is beyond me?

So I gave in for the day and put the old unit back in and everything worked like a charm. Anyone have any insite on why there was no internet connectivity and/or why the DC wouldn't get out to the net behind the new box?

Sorry for the long post, but if you need any more info just let me know.

I had a similar issue with a Win2K DC that cannot access the DSL modem config page, but has net access.

Never did get that sorted out, wasn't a big thing, but it sounds connected to your issue.

Just to clarify, what is the internal IP of your firewall, Sonicwall and DC?

I do wonder if you need to reconfigure DNS in AD on the DC... I didn't try that as it wasn't really a problem in my situation, just an inconvenience.
New SonicWALL has the same IP as the old SonicWALL which is Primary/Secondary DC are respectively.
Ok, so just straight up replacing a unit, not adding another device, right?

I don't know man... might still be a config issue with the new Sonicwall.
Yeah replacing a unit. Thats the only thing we can come up with here at the office. Maybe an incorrect NAT policy?
The issue seemed to be either one of two things. Either the DC did not have internet connectivity prior to the new install, or the gateway was set to itself on the DC.