Why Won't It Work?


Jan 5, 2005
Well I have one video card to share between 2 computers right now. Its usually in my older computer, but I put it back in the new one to fix some problems. The other day it worked fine in my new computer but now when I put it in, it will not show a picture it only comes up with a monitor signal.
i getting the same thing with a new xfx 6600 gt

i get this message "PLEASE CHECK SIGNAL CABLE"

it worked fine like a week ago and all of a sudden it starts showing that message
Have you tried unplugging your monitor and your PC then hooking them both back up and turning them both back on? I had a problem sorta like that iwth my card when I OCed my AMD too much.
what is the BIOS set to? Sometimes, if you have onboard graphics, itll go after something else.

Otherwise, check that your VC is seated properly.
look at your manual...see if you can locate the jumpers to reset them.
is there any chance that the AGP slot is bad. I have 2 video cards and they both work in my other computer but not in my new one.
if they work elsewhere, then yeah it may be. Or maybe you have the voltage incorrectly set. Can be a number of things to include weak PSU with this mobo.

You seem to have it narrowed down though. Sorry I cant be more help. Maybe someone else has some advice.
I am running a Enermax Noisetaker 370W. Any way I can check if voltage is correct.
YOu may be able to clear things though rare by DCing the psu from the PSU.

YOu need some device to test it but you could look in your bios to see the PSU currents