Why I Switched From Firefox to Chrome

HardOCP News

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Dec 31, 1969
This is the true life, harrowing tale of a man torn between two browsers…one must live, one must die. Wait, can’t you just have multiple browsers installed like other people? Does it have to be Chrome or nothing?

Here's what coaxed me away: Chrome starts way faster than Firefox. Web pages load faster when I type in an address or click a link. The Omnibox--Chrome's combination location bar and search box--often gets me where I want to go at least a keystroke faster, and I'm not terribly worried about sending Web navigation and search data to Google.
Chrome doesn't support autoscroll by clicking the middle mouse button/wheel. Until it does, it's simply not an option for me :p
I tried it, but I got popups in the first 10 minutes, just on MySpace. It was an AntiVirus 2009 one too, heh. I think I'm going to stay with Firefox for a while longer.
what about Opera? lol

i like opera, it just works, and its quick... firefox wants to update itself like every 30 seconds, which is really agrivating
chrome is def fast and i generally like the interface but i still prefer the features of opera and some site specific plugins with firefox.
I just want to be able to hit ALT-F and then C to close a tab... well, and Adblock. Which may already exist for Chrome, but mainly it's the ALT-F/c thing.
Chrome lacks Feature-that-shall-not-be-named and that's why I'm still using Firefox. Chrome is a hell of a lot quicker, though.
Chrome lacks Feature-that-shall-not-be-named and that's why I'm still using Firefox. Chrome is a hell of a lot quicker, though.

Lol +1 ftw and given Google's business model, it'll never happen. Not to mention a bunch of other features, various plug-in's etc. that I really really use.
Double post. Running FF3 (not 3.1 beta) on my rig in my sig with a handful of extensions, WMP, and Yahoo MSG going...

Total: 2341.8ms +/- 0.9%

If I just run FF alone I can get it down to around 2,100-2,200ms. I haven't tried Minefield yet, though I do want to. I think FF3.1 will speed up the very few sites/instances where it gets slow by a tad.
imho, there is nothing to dislike about Firefox. I refuse to even think about trying any other browser.

Chrome is a hell of a lot quicker, though.

really? great. I do not have any issues with the speed of fire fox. It's not like its really fucking slow.
I've always wondered why Chrome is considered so much faster when it's barely even noticeable if you have a clean copy of Firefox to compare against.

It's ridiculous to compare an extension-loaded Firefox to Chrome when the functionality isn't even in the same order of magnitude.
what i want to know is what the hell kind of computer are they using that browser load times are an issue? shit the p4 2.8's we have at the office open firefox 3 just fine, no lag times.
You can install more than one browser on a PC?

I assume that is a joke?

I think I'll stick with FF. I've tried Safari which looks nice and is quite fast, but takes forever to start up, and since I tend to open and close FF like every 30sec the start up time becomes very important.(why can't I learn to just minimize things instead of closing them and starting them up again 5 sec later when I need them!?)

Haven't tried Chrome, but don't want to loose plug-in support and I like FF. Seems to be faster with every new version.
I just want to be able to hit ALT-F and then C to close a tab... well, and Adblock. Which may already exist for Chrome, but mainly it's the ALT-F/c thing.

You go through all those finger contortions just to close a tab?? Whats wrong with Ctrl+W? lol
I use IE4. can't view all the leet myspace pages, but it's immune to exploits. noone targets this browser and current exploits aren't geared for such ancient technology lol. i'm such a genius...
Chrome doesn't have noscript, plus there's that little google watching you thing.
I don't like not having a box to allow me to specify my search engine. I also like how firefox is extremely friendly with the mouse wheel.
I just want to be able to hit ALT-F and then C to close a tab... well, and Adblock. Which may already exist for Chrome, but mainly it's the ALT-F/c thing.

Ad blocking for a browser by an advertising company?!?!?!! :D ... no
I use firefox, minefield and ie 7 AND ie 7 64 bit. I'm so cool.
Am I the only one that thinks Chrome takes longer to load the first time than Firefox? Opening another instance is fine. But I swear Firefox takes me to the iGoogle homepage a full 4-5 seconds faster than Chrome. That and I love adblock.
I use Firefox and I did try Chrome but I'm sticking with Firefox, for people who say Chrome is faster .... F.Y.I. you can make Firefox just as fast with a few tweaks.
I use IE4. can't view all the leet myspace pages, but it's immune to exploits. noone targets this browser and current exploits aren't geared for such ancient technology lol. i'm such a genius...

You should switch to an Amiga and use iBrowse or AWeb ;)
firefox all the way. its not just the brower technically its the pinnacle of open source software. the community behind it is just as important as the software itself.
Google's policies is what I dislike about Chrome more than anything. I'd still pick Opera over Chrome, and Firefox over Opera.
IE7 is my preferred browser on Vista. IE8 isn't ready yet, isn't even compatible with OWA!
Firefox loads instantly here... dont see how anything could load faster.
Why I didn't switch: Adblock plus, themes, FireNES, support, usability, non-retarded search bar (awesome bar ftmfl)....FF2 rocks.
Firefox loads instantly here... dont see how anything could load faster.

Yea, i'm always amazed at the people who say firefox loads slowly. It opens for me almost before I let my finger off the mouse button. This is with the rig in my sig, nothing special.
no mention of google tracking all your surfing habits?

you mean this thing he mentions and links to in the 5th or 6th sentence?

"and I'm not terribly worried about sending Web navigation and search data to Google."
Just like others have stated, I've become too accustomed to Firefox and various plug-ins for it. I don't see myself switching anytime soon. I don't have an issue with the speed at all either.
Why not Maxthon?

It's even more customizable than Firefox, and uses IE so there no annoying FF stuff. Not very obvious on some of it's features, so it really does take a week to try it out.
I guess one reason why not is because it's not as fast, but with all the features I don't mind.
guys, just a heads-up, AFAIK its still against board policy to bring up ad blocking on these forums. Some of you might have already gotten messages.

Aside from that, FF3 is just too versatile, nobody's watching me, and what you can do with the right plug-ins will get your mind blown.

Forget the fact that its actually open source and community friendly, all the feel-good-ness of it, and see it for the equation that it is. Every feature adds up to a better tool, better tools make better people, and vice versa.