Why does Apple charge for OS updates when Microsoft gives them away for free?

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Jun 25, 2004
first off, this discussion is strictly intended for mature audiences. flame starters please stay out.

I'm sitting here wondering why is it that Microsoft can roll out new software OS updates like service packs for free while the upcoming Snow Leopard release for $29. Why does Apple feels the need to charge three or four times just for updates for their OS.

this is one of the main reasons why I think so many people commit software piracy against Apple simple because they feel the need to pork the Apple crowd for every last dime they can. obviously Apple is in the business to make money but they seem like they do a much as possible. Microsoft does a better job and obviously do it for a lot less when it comes to their OS updates or launches.

please discuss your "mature" thoughts.
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There are so many things wrong with your claims, post, and argument that I don't even know where to start. You're comparing apples and oranges.

Microsoft has minor, incremental patches (say every tuesday) and then larger service packs (say every year or so) that are a collection of every previous patch plus a few minor goodies. Both these are, of course, free.

Apple has minor point releases (say 10.5.x, x being the point release) that are large updates to both the OS and sometimes it's default applications, and they also release minor security patches and/or application updates. Both these are also free.

Apple charges for the major point releases (10.x.0, where x is 10.5 Leopard or 10.6 Snow Leopard). These major point releases are huge updates to the OS and it's applications, and usually contain new features, UI's, and sometimes even new applications. They (at full price) cost $129, although Snow Leopard, what with being more of a polish and less of a major update, costs $29. This happens every 2 years or so (give or take a year).

Microsoft releases a whole new OS (usually built off of the previous one) and charges from say $99 to $399. This happens every 3 or some odd years (give or take a year). Microsoft does give OS patches/service packs away for free, just like Apple gives minor point releases and security/application patches away for free.

This is not a perfect run-down of the situation, but merely a guide to help better understand.

EDIT: Haha, so I just now noticed the other thread. I feel silly now. gesicht, well played. :)
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So going from Leopard to Snow Leopard is completely new? come on, let's be realistic here. it's not a completely new OS. going from Tiger to Leopard was a completely different story and we all know how much of a flop that was.

LOL, I can't even do this with a straight face. Fanboy logic fails hard.
APPLE makes money by selling you an overpriced computer aswell... Windows only makes money of the OS, so they obviously have to charge some money...

pretty simple
Looks like someone failed today's reading assignment. No gold star for you, Monkey34. Sit in the corner during recess.

**NOTE: Posted before his ninja-edit.
Forget it. You guys want to be kids, do it somewhere else.
Both these "Why does" threads are closed.
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