Why are my file transfers with my roommate so slow?


Limp Gawd
Feb 16, 2002
I don't get it. We are each on 100Mbit cables, on a 100Mbit Linksys router. We are doing it through Windows. He shares a folder, I go to network places, and copy/paste it. I have United Devices on Snooze, not virus scanning, not downloading/uploading, not doing anything. Niether is he. But transferring a 754MB file still takes like 22 minutes. Why? It should take like...4 minutes.
I had a problem with my Linksys router that slowed the network down. Playing video between my two ReplayTV's was impossible. I replaced it and the video plays fine now.

My father also experienced the same problem with a Linksys router, I had to replace his as well.

See if you can borrow a switch, or if you have an extra use that to test. I'll bet it's the Linksys.
Really? I've had success transferring files at LANs when there was a Linksys router? Could it be any kind of other hardware fault? Or maybe something poorly configured.
Originally posted by BobTheSlob
Really? I've had success transferring files at LANs when there was a Linksys router? Could it be any kind of other hardware fault? Or maybe something poorly configured.

He's not saying all linksys routers are bad, just that you should try with a switch to rule out the possiblity that yours is bad, b/c he's had the same problem with one in the past.
Originally posted by batkiwi
He's not saying all linksys routers are bad, just that you should try with a switch to rule out the possiblity that yours is bad, b/c he's had the same problem with one in the past.

two actually, and yes, you are correct. :)
Never had problems with mine. I use a switch for my 10/100 ports now though because I needed more than 4 ports.

What OSes are the two of you using, and what type of network cards in each computer?

I haven't seen it with Linksys, but in my friend's netowork, his Netgear router (RP614) hates his onboard Intel 10/100 with a passion. if you try to put more than like 112Kbit a second through to the router, it disconnects you. All he does is use IM so it doesn't really matter...heh.