WHS power supply needs


Apr 29, 2007
I am running a Windows Home Server and plan on eventually having as many as 6 or 7drives in it. I have 2 GB of RAM and a non oc"d Intel 2180. My question is what's the lowest watt PS you would think would be good for this system. I have an older 600 watt PS in it right now and an Antec Basic 500 to choose from, but I think I'd like to get a lower watt PS if it's feasable. I see the Antec Earthwatts 380 for $40 right now at Frys and wondered if it would be enough.
Get the Earthwatts EA380 or the next highest power offering. Should be plenty. I have a WHS box with an EA380, AMD X2 245 Regor, 2GB of memory, and 4xWD10EADS so far.