Which is better? RGB cables or 15pin cable


Jun 3, 2004
My 42" Hitachi Woo Plasma TV has a 15pin standard monitor cable for connecting PC's to the screen. I also have a new Sapphire X800 Vivo that allows me to output to RGB cables. Which should I use if I want the best quality? Output via the cables or the 15pin connector?
I use the VGA connector on my Mits and it works great. While i've never had my TV hooked up via component, i've had it hooked up via RGBHV. Unfortunatly, out of the 3 sets of component jacks, the only one that will do 1080i is shared with the RGBHV (as in the RGB jacks on that can either be the 3rd set of component jacks or part of the RGBHV) and we had to use it when we got the HD upgrade to our digital cable.

I run 1770x1000 (1920x1080 with less overscan) via the VGA cable and it works great.
Thanks, I did some testing today and I found out a few things. My plasma looks best with VGA adapter at 1024x768. I can pump it up to 1920x1080 (1080i) but it doesn't look that great with the VGA hookups.

I'm going to pick up some RGB cables and see if it is a limitation on the VGA adapter or the TV itself in displaying the higher resolution.
I actually just dug out my manual and it is says the TV is capable of 1125i resolution. I know 1920x1080 is 1080i but what is 1125i?
Allankyoto said:
I actually just dug out my manual and it is says the TV is capable of 1125i resolution. I know 1920x1080 is 1080i but what is 1125i?
1125 lines of resolution is the Japanese ANALOG HDTV standard. It also happens to be how many lines are technically in a 1080i broadcast. Those 45 extra lines you don't see carry info.

You set probably looks best at 1024x768 because that's the native of the screen. Couldn't be sure unless I looked at the spec sheet though.