Where is Chkdsk/Scandisk logged?


Jun 8, 2005
I just did chkdsk/scandisk of each of my drives and each of their partitions. 've been having an issue where from time to time, my hard drive light would start blinking about once a second, syncing up with quick stalls of my computer. These were not critical stalls, more annoying. When I was watching a video off my computer, for example, every second or so, the video would stall for an instant (though the sound stayed steady). I also noticed if I did consistent circles with my mouse I could see it pause for an instant every couple of seconds or so. However, after 20-30 seconds of this, it would go away. I attributed this as a possibility of bad sectors.

For some of the scandisks, I had to restart the computer so that it would do it before Windows loaded. Took a long time for a 100 gig partition, so I wasn't in the room to see the results. When checkdisks take place before Windows boots, is there a log file somewhere where I can see if there were any bad sectors detected, and if they were repaired?
If the scans were run during the reboot sequence, the results are captured in the application event log. The entries will have a source of name of winlogon.