Where do you buy server infrastructure?


Limp Gawd
Dec 27, 2010
I have two old eATX motherboards I'd like to run and would like to start a small rack. I am poor so will be building my own rack. The trouble now is finding cases and PSUs. This isn't critical data so cheap is better. So far I have a case in mind from circotech.com. I'm wondering if anyone here has ever ordered from them? It's the cheapest eATX server case I could find so I'm open to suggestions if people here know other online retailers. I live in small town Canada, so US only/brick and mortar won't do. Next question is pretty embarrassing but will any ATX PSU do? Both boards are 24pin + 6pin so I hope anything will suffice. The next quest would be PSU cable length. Anyone know a cheap PSU with ridiculously long cable length? The last thing I need is to get two PSU's in the mail only to find their cables don't reach the front of the case to power a HDD or two.


lol. Maybe I should edit it to say "cheap but not cheap enough to run them without cases".
Lookup norco cases on newegg or amazon. They normally pretty cheap.

Thanks! I have but the one I linked is slightly cheaper. Just not sure about the company. If a few people here have ordered from them then I'll trust them too.
lol. Maybe I should edit it to say "cheap but not cheap enough to run them without cases".


Folding garden!

Scotty, that looks great... No risers?! Just cardboard will do? I already got a shelf similar to that and can make the room for two motherboards.

You're an inspiration my friend.

EDIT: also, for the PSU question. 2 cheap PSUs will do as long as they have a 24pin and a 6 pin?
Go hit newegg, disregard norco- the name itself will cost you more, you can get decent startech cases for ur rack pretty cheap.
It's been holding. 2x layers of cardboard. They all run with no add-in cards. I have an EPS adapter on the top one then the bottom one I used the pci-e terminal on the PSU. Do note that these are reversed compared to the 4/8 pin plugs you would normally use, do use caution. I'm cheap! The money I save on cases gets put into hardware:p These are single hard drive units.

My storage server is in a norco case and done right.