Where do the old files go ? Win XP Pro.


Aug 12, 2006
This i wondered about for a while.

After a fresh format my Virus scan scans 60k files or so.

After 2-4 months maybe 75k files, etc.

Where are these junk files located, i clear my temp, under cmd %temp%, prefetch, etc.

Just wondering so i can clean out better or theres a folder i missed?
look in "Documents and Settings" / "Your Account" / Local Settings
from there there is a temp directory...a haven for spyware and other crap.
I looked in Documents and settings.

All i see is cookies, favorites, my documents, user data, desktop, incomplete , some Bs i installed(dont know if it needs to be there), and start menu.

Unless hidden.

Also what is the Docume folder . How do you get to it and is that part of the junk.

Thanks for the replies.
Documents and Settings is where your profile resides.

you need to Document and Settings...then open your account/profile/whatever...at the top of the window should be "Tools".."Folder Options".."View" tab...Check "Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected Operating System files"

that should reveal "Local Settings" in your profile.
oldtimers said:
This i wondered about for a while.

After a fresh format my Virus scan scans 60k files or so.

After 2-4 months maybe 75k files, etc.

Where are these junk files located, i clear my temp, under cmd %temp%, prefetch, etc.

Just wondering so i can clean out better or theres a folder i missed?

Windows updates?
Service Packs?
Programs you have installed? Updates to those programs?
Log files various third party programs create?
Programs not uninstalling correctly?
Recycle bin?
System Restore?
Temporary Internet files?
History files?

Unless you have a before and after snapshot for comparison, calling them "junk" is a bit premature. :p