where can i download all of XPs hotfixes and patches?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 18, 2004
I want to make a unattended install of XP SP2 and i would like to integrate all of the hotfixes, patches out to date. does anyone know of a microsoft public FTP where i can just download ALL of the patches and such?
you can just go here but you'd need to know which updates you need.. You can always run windows update to see which updates it'll say you need and then get the KB number and download them seperate.. or if you have them already on your system, you can look under add/remove programs and have it list them.. the only problem with that is that I'm not sure if it'll list the ones that you cant remove, I'd guess not..

Why not just start with a clean load. download all the updates and then create a ghost image.. Poof you're done..
i switch my hardware out all the time and its a pain. i already have a image of XP install. but it would be cool to have a unattended xp setup just for future needs or if my friends wanna use it.
Then get your computer just the way you want it and run sysprep, then ghost the image. Then when you swap out hardware you can still apply the image.
I have these 2 CDs that I picked up at some point or another... I just know that I got both of them for free and I use them when I format. I think I ordered them from Microsoft.com.

the SP2 i ordered. but i missed the security cd. can you link me to the request page?
iam in the process of putting together a unattended CD, but its always good 2 have this.
I'm not sure where I got it though. I can make an image if you have a DVD burner. just PM me and we can setup somehow to get it transferred over.
chronic9 said:
the SP2 i ordered. but i missed the security cd. can you link me to the request page?
iam in the process of putting together a unattended CD, but its always good 2 have this.
Just hit the links up at RyanVM's update site and download them individually.