when will winchester revision e chips come out?

Jul 11, 2004
there are suppose to be new revisions of amd 64 winchester chips that add see3 support among other things. when are those chips expected to appear on sale?
i read somewhere(i don't have the URL remembered) that AMD will start production of those chips late Jan....which means early birds can get their hands on one maybe starting Feb
Gee thanks! It really helped me understand it by posting it FIVE TIMES. :rolleyes:

Did you just feel the need to be a prick or does your trigger finger get itchy when pressing Ctrl+V?
matt9669 said:
Gee thanks! It really helped me understand it by posting it FIVE TIMES. :rolleyes:

Did you just feel the need to be a prick or does your trigger finger get itchy when pressing Ctrl+V?
Those links are for 5 different threads, dumbass. :rolleyes:
I apologize, I didn't check each link, the tone of his post seemed sarcastic.

Heh, clueless . . . http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5155041331&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT

As for the Rev.E/90nm strained SOI S939 A64's with SSE3, the general consensus seems to be late Jan. announcement with availability questionable, so the five different links could have all been the same and been just as helpful.

Sorry Eclipse, nothing against you (I just misread your post) but I don't like being called ignorant :cool:
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
HeThatKnows said:
Clueless people are so entertaining! :D
agreed! :D
and matt.. i probably was being a bit sarcastic.. no offense, ok? ;) i'm just having a rough day and realizing that i was answering a question for the 4th time this week kinda put me off a bit :cool:

though, i'll assume you read through all 5 of them? if not, i'll be more than happy to restate my thoughts. actually that probably would be a good idea anyway, for the other people who don't care enough to read through them
has anyone seen any information on the price point of the chips with Venice cores? I have seen speculation on release dates and such but nothing on the prices. Are they going to have the same pricing as a Winnie at the same speed?

I have been putting off an upgrade and now I am hoping these venice cores will live up to the hype.
So the forum search term was venice? I had no idea these were refered to as 'venice', therefore I couldn't think of that search term to use.
patriot71 said:
has anyone seen any information on the price point of the chips with Venice cores? I have seen speculation on release dates and such but nothing on the prices. Are they going to have the same pricing as a Winnie and the same speed?

I have been putting off an upgrade and now I am hoping these venice cores will live up to the hype.

Price shouldn't be an issue, unless you decide to buy the very first chip to land on American soil ;) there won't be any real difference in prices. Sure, 5 bucks here, 10 bucks there, but no more.

In both price and performance, you can historically look at how the NewCastle took over the ClawHammer, and how the Winchester came in and pushed the NewCastle aside. The Venice willl perform similarly.

In short, 3-5% improvement, 5-15$ more (at first), and likely to run cooler than its predecessor.
I will gladly pay an extra $15 for a cooler running proccy. Thanks for the response.
Decelerate said:
In short, 3-5% improvement, 5-15$ more (at first), and likely to run cooler than its predecessor.
apparently 24% less power draw if anyone really wants to know. i like that number :D