when will we be able to download the legally free rtm copy of vista from the ms site?

Er.. You mean MSDN or something?

The RTM is the one they are going to sell in the stores and put on new PC's, so they don't really have something to let joe user download it off their site. You kinda have to pay for it.
I'm guessing you mean the trial version, and I wouldn't expect to see it till sometime next year, not before the retail release in January, and likely much later than that. There might not even be a trial at all, there's only trial versions of XP 64-bit (likely to generate some interest and kickstart driver development) and Win2k3 to give students something to tinker with. If you're expecting a Vista Ultimate trial, i think you'll be in for a very, very long wait.
RC2 IS Ultimate trial, if your pc makes the grade. As far as free RTM ,as far as I know, you would have to buy a subscription to MSDN for $399 for a year, Hardly free.
"legally free rtm copy" to me, for some reason, means he's asking about the "free" copy promised to all the beta testers that submitted at least one bug announced last week. I'd say only one thing: keep checking your Connect account and your email address tied to that Connect account.

Sooner or later Microsoft will send out something to those people who qualified.

Hope this helps...
bbz_Ghost said:
"legally free rtm copy" to me, for some reason, means he's asking about the "free" copy promised to all the beta testers that submitted at least one bug announced last week. I'd say only one thing: keep checking your Connect account and your email address tied to that Connect account.

Sooner or later Microsoft will send out something to those people who qualified.

Hope this helps...
I sent about 100 bug reports I hope I get that E-Mail :D