when exactly will nforce 4 launch?

Jul 11, 2004
i keep hearing different things. can anyone tell me a certain date you would expect motherboards available to be bought say at newegg or zipzoomfly?
Ripper said:
What's the difference between the nF3 and nF4 boards?
Obviously a newer chipset.
Some information has leaked out saying that there will be four different nf4 boards:

nForce 4: Basic model
nForce 4 Ultra: SATA II and a hardware firewall
nForce 4 SLI: Capability for dual PCI-Express cards
nForce 4 Pro: Mainly for Servers and Workstations with support for two Opteron CPU's
BigTaf said:
Q4,04 if were lucky Q1,05 more realisticly

I saw somewhere that NVidia had officially changed the release date to Q1 of '05, and I wouldn't bet on anything coming out before then.

*edit for retarded typing
ehZn said:
I saw somewhere that NVidia had officially changed the release date to Q5 of '04, and I wouldn't bet on anything coming out before then.
eh? was that supposed to be a joke?
I'm willing to bet that you're waiting for another 8 months from now before you can really get an nforce 4 mobo in your hands. Maybe more.