Whats your 3.0c overclocked to...


Aug 13, 2004
Mine is overclocked to 3.28 hehe hecka low cuz my memory is @ 438 post it up..
My 3.0 runs at 240 fsb with 1.6 vcore and I can have it run stable at 250 fsb at 1.65 vcore. This is a 30 cap chip.
Mine (from retailedge last year) will do 3.5 with good air. It'll do just over 267 FSB on my homemade freezer. (When the freezer's not broken. :rolleyes: ) Only average.

I just got a new white box workstation at my job with a 3.0 in. It's got a intel 865 board in it, actually a little underclocked at 2.99...

I want to switch processors just to see if this one overclocks better, but I feel kinda guilty.

I know, I know, I'm pathetic.

pvanosta, you make want to do it. Imagine what your processor could do sub-zero! There could be a similar beast running at 2.99 in my work box. All those wasted cycles...
225 fsb on air, it goes higher but not stable. The prices coming down on Intel chips makes me wanna try my hand with a 2.4c.
damn thats some nice scores, yea i have heard of the 3.0c family going to 3.74 stable but i just have to play with my processor a little and my memory timings, im able to over clock to 440 on the ram and 3.3 on the processor and thats stable so i'm gonna play a little more and maybe thinking of water cooling, still deciding heheh
225 FSB on air, stock voltage. rock solid but if I even bump it to 226 I start crashing in normal windows use.
225 FSB too...haven't tried pushing it further but I don't think ram can' go much further
running it at 230 fsb right now. max stable i can get with it w/ 1.65v is 240~245.
Max Speed Is 3.8 at 1.65 Volts
Runs 3.6 At 1.55 Volts

Abit Ic7-G
Corsair Extreme low latency Ram 2225
ATI x800 xt Platinum
Enermax 660
Maxtor 250 Gig
Liteon DVD Writer
Sound Blaster Sound Card
With Alpha Pal Cooler
I was able to hit 3.75GHz at 1.7V but by my motherboard's voltages "droop". I have not tried higher but I am sure it can. Right now, I am using 225 FSB with relaxed memory timings..
3.85 on 1.56 v in my shuttle sb75g2 stock air will be water it soon so ill oc more then :) btw mine is a 30 cap
little over 4ghz with 1.7 volts on ic7-g. I got one of the 30 cap ones.
Just what could I expect from a "30 cap" 3.0C? I ask because I got mine last night from Newegg. I forgot to take my FSB down before I swapped the chip and the BIOS booted at 230FSB (34xx mhz). Voltage is at 1.471 @ 43C idle. I'm a cube user (Soltek EQ3401) , but I do have a Swiftech MX-478 w/ 92mm Sunon on it.

Should I maybe nudge the voltage to 1.6 and try 3.4 in Windows? Sound conservative?
If u cant hit 3.4ghz on stock v then id send that chip back, 3.4 is nothing to these lil guys,there true power houses! :)
What exactly does 30 Cap mean and how do you know if you have it or not (I know I don't...I have a Northwood B, but I would still like to know)?
Ether said:
What exactly does 30 Cap mean and how do you know if you have it or not (I know I don't...I have a Northwood B, but I would still like to know)?

all you have to do is look at the bottom of the processor and count. most people think they overclock better than non-30cap p4's with the same stock speeds (and many do, but not always. nothing is guranteed).
Wow, I never thought to equate Cap with capacitator..../dumbass

Are these the rumored Gallatins with the disabled cache (from defects or something)?
Ether said:
Wow, I never thought to equate Cap with capacitator..../dumbass

Are these the rumored Gallatins with the disabled cache (from defects or something)?

the gallatins with disabled cache (because of testing failures) are the p4c's with a m0 stepping. afaik other steppings can have 30caps, so not all of them are necessarily a failed p4ee.
Mine is 3.0 @ 3.6 atm.. My memory limits me for getting it above that speed :(
This is done with a Vapochill PE on the CPU at -31 Degress Celcius.

I don't really wanna invest in new hardware atm.. Waiting for 1066 Mhz FSB Prescott and proper DDR2 chipsets..
MoJo man thats one hell of a waist...some one plz buy this boy some BH5 BL2 Mushkin 3500 so he can oc that chip the right way...damn shame to see a good cooler ruined by ram..@ 3.6 u dont make enuff heat to need a vapo..i do 3.6 all day long on oem intel cooling.
I got mine to 228 on air at 1:1 with my Corsair XMS PC3200. Using other ratios, I got up to around 240. If I wasn't limited by my memory I bet i could go up to 250 easy. See signature for detailed specs. I keep it at stock, though, because I burnt out two cheap Egyptian powersupplies. I have an Enermax 420w now but I'm not going to risk fucking this one up because it's difficult to acquire replacement parts here (have to be ordered).

I built a PC for a friend of mine with a 3.0c and P4C800-E Deluxe and an SP-94 + 92mm Tornado. It's running at 248 with some Corsair XMS PC4000 at 1:1 and it's going strong.
Right now I have on stock speed.
I usually keep it at 3.4ghz
It can go up to 3.6ghz [stock cooling limited] at voltages at 1.600v

Im sure I could overclock to 4.0ghz with better cooling.

EASY! :D i got pics of me at 3.8-3.856 ect ill dig them up later and post them, lets see some of yall's oc's (ram is holding me back) Yes mine is the awsome SL6WK chip :)


My 3.0C is doing 235 FSB at standard voltage, higher speeds wont work think my noname MDT ram is limiting it. Im a little concerned about the amount of heat it puts out according to my p4c800e, temps going well over 60°C and 50°C in idle. But its rockstable and i will add some new holes in my case soon maybe some new air will help :D.
240 fsb @ 1.68, I can get 245 at 1.7 but I don't want to push it any further
TheLastV8 said:
My 3.0C is doing 235 FSB at standard voltage, higher speeds wont work think my noname MDT ram is limiting it. Im a little concerned about the amount of heat it puts out according to my p4c800e, temps going well over 60°C and 50°C in idle. But its rockstable and i will add some new holes in my case soon maybe some new air will help :D.

them are speed holes, am i rite or am i rite?