Whats the deal with Win7 and my box?


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - December 2009
Apr 7, 2006
I have downloaded the image from MS about 9 times now and for some reason it does not work properly.
I have installed 32bit on my laptop just fine but my workstation is being a Biatch.

Its weird cause i still have the 6956build that was the WinHec leaked build....and it works damn near perfect on my box.

When I go to install it take about 15 minutes to load the installer and another 45 to install. An hour later im at the desktop. When I try to use it if i do more then one thing at at time it freezes up to where it wont do anything and i have to hold down the power button.

Did i get a bad image? 9 times?
Any ideas?
no overclocking ive taken everything except the nessecary components out....i just dont understand why an earlier build would be damn near perfect on my box and now its not even functional.
ugghh Rookie Mistake

Im running two video cards for my monitors.....and I forgot that OS's dont like to install when im running a PCI video card in a PCI-X slot on my box.

False Alarm