What's my CPU core?


Limp Gawd
Mar 17, 2002
I've done quite a bit of searching, and most sources tell me my CPU is an old Clawhammer. I just bought it from Monarchcomputer two weeks ago.



Newegg has the model number listed as a Newcastle.

What's the real deal?
I added a post in the FAQ section that lists all of the AMD64 processors and their stepping.

Yours is actually a Clawhammer with the AEPAR stepping. That and it's a CG stepping.

If it were a NewCastle it would be this:
3000+: AMA3000BEX5AR 1.5V (CG rev, F4Ah) <- ClawHammer, 1 MB L2, 1.8 GHz, x9
According to your FAQ post, it's a C0.

"3000+: ADA3000AEP4AP 1.5V (CO rev, F48h)"
So are people experiencing significant differences in overclocks between the C0 and CG?
I wouldn't say significant. It's mostly that the CG revision has always performed better from the AMD chips.

But from what I've heard it's about 100mhz + and more stable at higher speeds.
Dammit Monarch! :mad: Why the hell are they selling old chips? I thought C0 hasn't been produced in many months.
I would try to RMA it.

I can get the 3200 CG OEM for $220 at a local shop and the Retail for $250.

I think the 3000 CG is at those places too for less. :)
:) Bend a pin or two. Say that it's not working right and you're not sure why.
I'm not going to damage it. I will just tell them it causes errors and send it back. On Pricewatch they now list the 3000 as:

"- (IN-STOCK) - ADA3000AEP4AX"

It seems that my replacement processor will be what I want. :D