Whats better to use when building?


Jan 5, 2005
What inserting the processor into the motherboard what is better to use? Thermal paste or just the thermal tape that comes on the processor.
AS5 is theoreticly the best, I've used it on my parts. But especially if your not experienced with installing HSF's the pad that comes stock might be a good idea because if you dont get the AS5 just right it can do more harm than good.

Newbs and Experts both agree... Its the best......

$5 can gain you a Minimum of 3-5c
don't use the stuff that comes with the processor, its no where near as good as AS5
the thermal paste that intel includes with some of its processors is quite good though
I dont have any AS5 and had to use the white stuff that came with one of my Thermalright heatsinks

With my new machine (2nd in signature), my idle temps are in the mid 30s and load is under 50 C.

Is it worth what most online stores sell it for? Probably. Is it worth what CompUSA sells it for? Hell no!

Here's the bottom line:

Without a good heatsink and fan, no brand of thermal compound/paste/whatever is going to cool your CPU.
Just be sure to calculate in what the online stores are charging for Shipping..... My local Frys sells AS5, I cant remeber off hand how much... Its like a buck more than what you usually see it online for, but with no S&H and only Tax, you come out ahead....
That's why I've waited to buy my AS5 until I had to order some other stuff too :cool:

CompUSA out here wants like $12+ for the 3.5 gram tube!!! :eek: :eek:
zach2004 said:
What inserting the processor into the motherboard what is better to use? Thermal paste or just the thermal tape that comes on the processor.

Thermal paste/tape is unneeded to insert the CPU into the motherboard. It is needed when attatching the HSF to the CPU, though.