Whats a good stable CHEAP athlon 1.4ghz board (non aXP,non DDR)


Oct 4, 2003
My dads computer is corrupting data, I believe that the motherboard is to blame, Ive replaced ribbons, new hard drive, new CDRom... different sticks of ram... still does it, wont even let me install an operating system...

We are really broke at the moment... so anything in the 20-40 range would be fantastic...

If its a really good board it might be worth more to us, but anyway, please let us know...

His current specs are

Athlon(non XP) 1.4ghz
Chaintech CT-7AJA2
1 gig of ram (no brand marked) (133 fsb)
Geforce 2 GTS
60 gig drive

Anyhelp is greatly appreciated
you may want to look at the mobo and see if there are any blown caps. Many mobos of that era came out with bad caps (although I don't think chaintech was one of the most common ones).

You should also check your CPU temps. Make sure to clean out the CPU fan and the power supply with some compressed air.

If it does turn out to be a bad mobo, check the newegg refurb section. There are always good deals on socket A mobos there.
ya, 2x512 sticks...

I had 2x256, but a friend of mine had the 512 sticks and the board he was getting wounldnt support them (was putting together a PC for a family member) so he traded me for the sticks and I owed him a favor...

Anyway, my dad does music recording for his band with his computer, and he's been having weird problems for a while now, so I backed up his stuff on my computer and went to format his, only to get errors during FORMATTING, and once I finnaly ran formatting w/o an error, it had about 60 errors trying to copy files and install windows... my disk isnt scratched either...

When he had windows on before, when you downloaded a file or something to the desktop, alot of times it would get done downloading before it had gotten to the correct size, so you had to download it somewhere else on the harddrive... after you did that, and tried to run it, it would come up with corruption errors... I dont really understand why, but I tried different ribbons, thinking that would fix the problem, but it did nothing.. still having these weird problems

Anyway, thanks for the help guys, and keep it coming :D
PhReaK said:
ya, 2x512 sticks...

I had 2x256, but a friend of mine had the 512 sticks and the board he was getting wounldnt support them (was putting together a PC for a family member) so he traded me for the sticks and I owed him a favor...

Anyway, my dad does music recording for his band with his computer, and he's been having weird problems for a while now, so I backed up his stuff on my computer and went to format his, only to get errors during FORMATTING, and once I finnaly ran formatting w/o an error, it had about 60 errors trying to copy files and install windows... my disk isnt scratched either...

When he had windows on before, when you downloaded a file or something to the desktop, alot of times it would get done downloading before it had gotten to the correct size, so you had to download it somewhere else on the harddrive... after you did that, and tried to run it, it would come up with corruption errors... I dont really understand why, but I tried different ribbons, thinking that would fix the problem, but it did nothing.. still having these weird problems

Anyway, thanks for the help guys, and keep it coming :D

If it's the motherboard, try RMA'ing it... getting a socket A SDRAM motherboard will be... difficult.
ECS K7S5A. It was stable for an ECS product (DON'T get the pro) and has 2x 168-pin SDR sockets as well as 2x 184-pin DDR sockets.

It'll run that old 1.4 fine, too.
MD_Willington said:
I agree with bigbad's post...check the caps...you can get the board recapped at www.badcaps.net if that is the problem.


Or I'll do it for half the cost :)

/edit: also, one socket A SDR board from the past that I loved was the Asus A7N266VM.
KT7A boards were great, but you're looking at very old. There were boards made that had both SDR and DDR slots on them, making them newer and probably slightly easier to find. I think I'm right in saying anything that will support a late Athlon will run an older one. For example, if I take a Barton out of my mate's PC and stick in my Tbird, it should run. I jumped from 1.4GHz Tbird to the sigged spec, so I'm not entirely sure.
asus a7v133

got mine on the forums when a gateway board went to shit, works great. cost me 35 i believe
nylint said:
ECS K7S5A. It was stable for an ECS product (DON'T get the pro) and has 2x 168-pin SDR sockets as well as 2x 184-pin DDR sockets.

It'll run that old 1.4 fine, too.

The Pro has USB 2, and in most cases has the PLL with fine tuning option...mine boots at 150/150 and can run any 333 bus Barton or Sempron...

Mr. Tinker said:
Could be the power supply. That'd be cheaper than a new mobo.
not for a good power supply...

its the mobo, i had a gateway board that did the same thing, exactly. ran windows for a day then it went all corrupted to hell for no reason
charles555 said:
it's because you overheated the HD.
overheated HD will not cuase corruption like he is talking about - it will happen all at once and then the drive will crash. it is the IDE controller on the motherboard. i thought my drive was dead when this was happening too, but it happened with multiple drives, and they are all still running strong to this day. its the board.
Posting a wanted ad in various PC buying/selling/trading forums is probably your best bet.