What you use your Linuxbox for?


Oct 19, 2002
Post away, I want to know what you use for Linux Box for...

I was going to use mine as a firewall/router untill I found out about Linksys having hacked Firmware...

What do you use yours for?... and list the hardware if possible.
nuwen, my old PIII-600, runs Red Hat Linux 9. It's my webserver, E-mail server, and alternate development machine.

I recently finished forwarding all of my mail through nuwen, where it is SpamAssassined and procmailed to death. Then I made it so that my prompt displays how many spam E-mails have been nuclearated versus how many have gotten through.

[4/16/2004 Fri 9:31.14 AM stl@nuwen ~] [497 490 987]

That's good, spam, total. So far I have not had any false positives (though one close call), and few false negatives.
my main pc has gentoo running, and i can't say i do a whole lot of anything productive on it. mostly web, im, irc, bt.

though i have tried off and on to get my own homepage up and running. i failed due to lack of time to put into it.
My laptop is my linux rig, but I just use it to play with, brush up on some command line stuff and get familiar with it. Gentoo hated my nic card on my laptop so I stuck it with RH9. I have a spare pc sittting here I'm thinking of loading gentoo on for a family pc, for web browsing and email and other stuff. I have been thinking about having my file server run on linux, but I need to read up on samba more, maybe pick up an o'reilly book.
Oh god, the list would go on forever. Here is a short breakdown:

-Gaming (CS, WC3, UT2k4)
-Web Design
-Run My Computer Store
-Network security scans (legit, hired by clients)
-Everything else I do on my computers
Anything I do on the computer I do in linux. Web, type papers, play games(some native and some via winex), a bit of web design(emacs all the way), IM a bit, mythtv. Hell I don't know what else. Right now I am messing with a software analog synthesizer and that is funky shit. I install just about all of my software through portage on gentoo.
i do...everything in linux. basically, internet browsing, im, school work, CAD stuff, audio editing, photo editing, gaming, video editing (emulated windows software, theres very little good native software as of now). thats all that comes to mind at the moment, too lazy to remember more things. gentoo all the way :D .
Desktop (everything but gaming), File-serving, ftp-serving, building custom live linux CD's, designing integrated circuits.
Well, the only thing I don't use my linux box is for gaming and photoshop work. Most I use it for is my programming homework (I just feel more productive while on Linux for some reason), word processing, IMing, surfing the net, but mostly web dev and programming. When I do get broadband, I do plan on using it for my web serving as well.
i do basically everything on my linux machine. web, im, type papers, programming homework, music, dvds, etc. surprisingly, i even managed to get my tv card and accompanying remote working. so now after a few kernel recompiles and lots of swearing, i can even watch tv in linux. :D
I use my old PIII 600/SuSE 9.0 box for the kids - they're into the flash-based web games and I don't have to worry about them borking the machine. I do periodically find that the 3-year-old has over twenty windows open and is happily opening more, but I can usually catch it before it goes critical
Currently I have a Pentium III 667 running FreeBSD 4.9 that runs my companies helpdesk (cerberus), cacti, and that's it. In the near future I think I'm going to be transfering it over to a dually rig as we are getting enough tickets coming into our helpdesk that a dually rig with more memory would be nice to have for growing room
To take over the world!
Hehe,,well mostly "network exploration",and other security related networking shizzle.Ah the joys of being a Linux savvy geek.
Let's see:
writing, compiling, debugging code
win2k in a vmware machine
photo editing

A whole bunch of other stuff that you'd do with Windows, and some stuff you can't do.
General web surfing and IM during gaming (two comps side by side)

That or watching a movie/video while I do other things on the main box.

Also, its my lan box (since its a lot smaller and easier to pack) cause it also dual boots windows for certain games and as a failsafe.
three are set only to fold, as it is free and that is all they do. takes an hour and a half to install, update, add antivirus and firewall, download the folding client and set them going. then forget about them except for the periodic checks to see how they are doing.

the other one is my main box and i do everything on it.