What would I need to mod Enermax Vegas to work with my case?


Aug 9, 2010
I have a Bitfenix Colossus with an LED control system. Let me get it out of the way and say that Bitfenix has no support and I do NOT recommend anyone buy from Bitfenix ever. I have multiple tickets over the years asking them what fan I could buy and I have never received an answer. I have yet another ticket pending now on this.

Sorry needed to get that out. So the way it works is they are supposed to have fans that have an extra lead that plugs into this:


Then a switch on the case can turn the LEDs on and off. This, and the multiple drive bays, are the reasons I bought the case. In reality, while I was able to buy 2 non-PWM, loud as an airplane, fans that included a line that worked with the case, every PWM Bitfenix fan I have since bought that claims to have support for LED control, has been a bust or, put another way, a straight out lie. Multiple tickets on this have never been answered. So I've had a case with half the fans whose LEDs are just always on and half that I can control. Its been sucky, for lack of a better word.

As I am ready for an upgrade, I am looking for fans again and came across the Enermax Vegas fans which have a lead to a button for control (circled in red):


I have the following questions:
  • As this button controls not only on and off but also different lighting modes, can this even work with my case's LED switch system?
  • If so, can anyone tell me what I would need (and where to buy) to mod that switch to work with my case? I expect I need to cut off the button and take the raw wires and put them into a 2-pin thing which I can plug into the thing in my case in the first/top picture. What is the 2 pin thing I need? Do I need any tools to get the wires into that 2-pin thing?
So I contacted Enermax and, I am waiting for another reply, but it seems it should work. The function of the Colossus switch and the switch on the fan should be the same. The one issue they brought up is whether the mode I want on the Vegas fans will occur with the button press of turning on the other LEDs in my system, which I will only know by using it, I think. I imagine there is a question of whether the off mode will occur with the button press of the other LEds being off too.

I am only stuck on what is the name of the 2 pin harness thing I need so I can search it on Amazon or wherever and buy it. Anyone know what its called?
