What would be the best non 3d monitor with lowest input lag?

Feb 26, 2011
I know there has to be a monitor out there that is the best 1 that ppl say is for gaming.

I am wanting to but a monitor that would be amazing to use with a ps3 so can anyone please help me out? Thanks :)

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There is no point in running a PS3 on a 120hz monitor because it can't run at 120hz outputing to the PS3. It can only do so directly to the PC. If you buy a 120hz monitor that accepts HDMI it will default to 60hz making it pointless.

You've already gotten responses. Why are you asking here?

There is no point in running a PS3 on a 120hz monitor because it can't run at 120hz outputing to the PS3. It can only do so directly to the PC. If you buy a 120hz monitor that accepts HDMI it will default to 60hz making it pointless.

Yea I didnt get many answers.. All I want is a monitor which has the lowest input lag or a monitor that is made/ awesome for gaming on a ps3. I was looking at a few

The asus monitor which is used at evo events. Cmon I know someone can help me out and let me know of a nice monitor for gaming on a ps3. All I really care about is the input lag..
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Yea I didnt get many answers.. All I want is a monitor which has the lowest input lag or a monitor that is made/ awesome for gaming on a ps3. I was looking at a few

The asus monitor which is used at evo events. Cmon I know someone can help me out and let me know of a nice monitor for gaming on a ps3. All I really care about is the input lag..

No offense but you won't get any here. There are tons of threads with great recommendations in the display sub forum , you need to do a search there and go check out individual threads. There really isn't a certain monitor which stands above the rest for console gaming , the ones that aren't bad at it generally introduce input latency due to the internal pixel mapper and non-native resolution requirements (depending on the monitors native resolution).

Asus makes great low input latency monitors that accept HDMI just fine and would be great to game on conerning the PS3. There isn't however a near zero latency input latency monitor that accels at PS3 output. Your looking for a golden goose and you won't find one. Just get a quality Asus panel : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236052 I personally use my Dell U2410 to play my PS3 on and its about 14 ms in response time and has an excellent picture (not so great contrast but otherwise fantastic) however its a lot more expensive then that ASUS.

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