What Weapon should I unlock? BF2


Apr 21, 2004
I already unlocked a few, here is my choices of whats left, I got a unlock last night but have not used it yet

- Mk3A1

- G36C


what shall I use??? :)
Medic Gun FTW!!

I love playing the class, once you get used to it, it is probably the most versatile in the game.

The gun is really accurate and smooth.
Rich Tate said:
Medic Gun FTW!!

I love playing the class, once you get used to it, it is probably the most versatile in the game.

The gun is really accurate and smooth.

It's a tie between Medic and Support for me, you just get an unlimited supply of ammo
I wouldn't recommend support unless you want to get frustrated after having shot 876823468723648723486283474 rounds at somebody and have them go prone right in front of you and then kill you with a headshot.
PKM is the worst gun in the game. You would be more accurate by spitting on them. Go with the G36C. The other gun is useless as well if if you already have the anti-tank unlock.
pkm is loud, and less accurate but more powerful than the saw. i'd go with g36
What do you like doing in BF2 is the question I would pose. :) I'd go PKM, but that's just me because I like big bangs and laying down heavy fire. A lot of fun is to be had sitting prone and unloading into an enemy crowd on a 64 man server. I suppose it wouldn't be top pick if you care about BF2 stats regarding accuracy, but accuracy in the stats doesn't = skill in the game.
Rich Tate said:
Medic Gun FTW!!

I love playing the class, once you get used to it, it is probably the most versatile in the game.

The gun is really accurate and smooth.

The L85A1 has a really messy full-auto as its weakness. The MEC guns can auto fairly well when zoomed at medium range.

The pro-tip for the L85A1, is that in /paced/ single shots, it's equally accurate as the m16, however, it zooms farther, and the iron sight is much thinner allowing for much easier headshot placement. Prone and zoom, let the enemy prone as well, and fire single shots into his head. Take advantage of the accurate headshots at long range, and utilize the full auto for close range emergencies.
I found the L85 is deadly accurate. But I found that Ak101 is even better at it and there is the G3 two-three shots and everything pretty well much dies no matter where you shoot them
Wrench00 said:
I found the L85 is deadly accurate. But I found that Ak101 is even better at it and there is the G3 two-three shots and everything pretty well much dies no matter where you shoot them

Statistically, the L85 is the least accurate weapon available to medics. In addition, it's the least accurate rifle in full auto and gets very little benefit from crouch to prone. IMO it's popular because of the scope.