What to do with spare Dual rig?!?


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2005
Yes, yes I know I can join the "Horde" and all...but right now, money is tight and I don't want to spend the extra money for electricity to have the system running.

I have a couple dual rigs (a 3.2 Xeon and this extra P3), so I already have "home server" duties covered with the faster rig.

Any ideas what I can do with the spare P3 rig?

RIght now I have it for-sale, but I would rather keep it and put it to good use in some way.
I've got 3 spare 2x550 p3 systems in my basement. One is slated to be part of a extreme cooling project I've been wanting to start, the other 2 are backups for the almost inevitably doomed first one.
ValeX said:
if you have a good internet connection you could turn it into a game server, might i suggest Half life 2 CTF. its still in BETA but damn its fun, and can only get better...if you put up a dedicated server, it would definatly help ppl become aware of it and be able to play and stuff......or any other game works too, but id say HL2CTF!!!


Alas, my DSL is only 256up making hosting quite impossible for anything larger than 4 players.

Anyone know of a clan needing a cheap rackmoutable server good enough to host most games? :D
I have a few "spare" dual-CPU machines. They fold most of the time, just not for the [H] any more.

Most of them are test boxes...Experimenting with whatever I'm toying with at the time. Lately it's been kerberized OpenLDAP to handle authentication and authorization.

My home file server is my trusty dual PIII/733EB in a Tyan TIger LE. It's been a tank for years.
get in touch with your creative side and start learning 3d modeling and scene rendering and use it for a render farm at home

seti : look for aliens instead of folding and then we'll get all those medical questions answered after a few quick anal probes :D

basically if you need to find an excuse for it your better off selling it and buying some toys for your newer box with the proceeds like hard drives etc...
just wondering what you are planning on selling it for? I'm in the market for a cheap dually server motherboard and cpu combo.
I had my spare dualie in the garage for car ECM programming and surfing the web while I was down there working.
A dulie in the garage!?!? Nice!!

I am going to part out the system over in FS\FT forum.

So, if anyone is looking to build another system on the cheap...just look for my thread over there!! :D