What operating systems will run off a floppy disk?

Your question isn't very clear, are you asking which operating systems can be installed from floppy or which operating systems can be fully ran from floppy?

Additionally are you asking which versions of windows can be ran from (or installed from?) floppy?
I'm pretty sure you could get BSD Unix to run off a floppy.

What is the purpose of this question? Just curious, or is there some purpose you're trying to achieve?

I ran a HP desktop with a 100mhz 486-DX4 and 32mb of memory as a router for the longest time. Booted and ran of a floppy disk with Coyote Linux on it. Ran for years without any problems. Finally replaced it with a WRT54GS running DD-WRT, which I just recently stopped using.
CP/M - It started the whole desktop industry. 65535 bytes of RAM total, so the CP/M OS was only about 20k?