What Movie Would You Like to See Made into a Videogame?


[H]F Junkie
Mar 5, 2005
What Movie Would You Like to See Made into a Videogame? Yes, its true that games normally only come out of action movies, and end up being just another generic FPS (and bad ones at that). Lots of movies that would make great games are never even thought of being used.

Now, I like First Person Shooters and RPG’s as much as the next guy, but I’ve always liked games that make you think (games like Myst).

So my choice is Labyrinth; if it were done right (and by the very nature of the labyrinth) it would have the ultimate replay value. The game would be different each and every single time you played it, and could even contain scenarios not played out in the movie (and still be true to the story).
well it may seem a bit dumb but I think that the movie "Red Dawn" would be cool for a game seed, FPS style with some sort of variation (I definatly would not want to have the main character in the game be Patrick Swazey though)
but the invasion is pretty cool in that movie
Fistandantilis said:
well it may seem a bit dumb but I think that the movie "Red Dawn" would be cool for a game seed, FPS style with some sort of variation (I definatly would not want to have the main character in the game be Patrick Swazey though)
but the invasion is pretty cool in that movie
They already made such a game. It's called Freedom Fighters. It's not bad either.

Yojimbo for sure

Best foreign movie... hands down

Old but awesome... if done right it would be an awesome game

Maybe it couldn't be pulled off... but the movie is just way too awesome.
The original Mad Max would make a hell of a video game if done properly.

Think of the multiplayer possibilites, too.
A Labyrinth game (if done right) would be great, that is a fun movie, lots of humor and atmosphere.

Still waiting for a remake of Tie Fighter / X-Wing as well. I know the idea has already been done, but with today's graphics it would be awesome.
I guess Half-Life * But done resident Evil Style*

Max Payne * Maybe Sin City kind of did this...*
AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
I guess Half-Life * But done resident Evil Style*

Max Payne * Maybe Sin City kind of did this...*
this is movies you want to see as games, not games you want to see as movies :p
wiploc said:
A Labyrinth game (if done right) would be great, that is a fun movie, lots of humor and atmosphere.

I second this! I think that would make a great adventure game
a very good question heres the movies I came up with:

A ClockWork Orange

darn have gone blank
LordVampyre said:
a very good question heres the movies I came up with:

A ClockWork Orange

darn have gone blank

Halflife2 already incorporates themes from 1984 but I would like to be Winston Smith running around sexx0ring Julia and getting owned by the Party.

Or maybe you get to play as the Party and you run around arresting people for no reason? :D
I second a Monty Python and the Holy grail game. I also really think that Paycheck woulda worked well as a video game too.
kill bill w/ dynasty warriors gameplay style :p or maybe like the tenchu games. i've played tenchu 1/2 on ps1 and i have one on xbox, i love those games.
Battle Royale, in FPS with Far Cry like island, and Half-Life 2 like facial animation. Then throw in some RPG trust, etc mechanic. Co-op would be bad ass in a game like that also.
I'd say Saving Private Ryan, but it would probably blow and not be as good as other WWII stuff. Maybe a mod for something, singleplayer. Go get Ryan and escort him to safety. Finish in the cemetary.
I'm the Dude said:
I'd say Saving Private Ryan, but it would probably blow and not be as good as other WWII stuff. Maybe a mod for something, singleplayer. Go get Ryan and escort him to safety. Finish in the cemetary.

would the cemetary involve gameplay? people would be crouch jumping onto gravestones with ryan and on the heads of the family, it would kinda detract from that whole 'moment' that was in the movie. :p
Although it's not a movie, Angels and Demons was a killer story with quite a bit of action. Would be cool to play through the game and then have to switch to Google to solve some of the puzzles and what not. I heard that they wanted to use the story for a season of 24, but Dan Brown said no.. :(
If you've ever watched the DVD of the first Conan movie the director is talking about how he wanted to do 3 movies. It would be cool if there was a Conan game made by the guys who did FFX. Conan with a real story with a little more to it than: (Conan Voice)Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women...
/offtopic kind of

I think if they make a game about the Colombian Drug Cartels w/like guriella soliders and US delta force it would be awesome. and the final boss is Pablo Escobar...

Kind of like the movie Clear and Present Danger, but only with a lot more shooting and action
I vote debbie does dallas. That be hot. fps style. U would have to resuce her but at the end u get to bone her