What is this!! URGENT!!! Settings badly derranged!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 21, 2004
Ok when I restarted my pc everything looked like windows 98 all old and shit and my icons wer messed up and all my settings were gone. I can change everything to windows xp display and stuff but everytime I restart my settings get messed up.. In documents and settings I have my user account named Anthony but I noticed there are two there now, one is called ANTHONY.anthony which wont delete for anything.. This keeps coming back and it has to do with why my settings keep changing.. Everytime I delete it it says something like "cannot delete "a bunch of hyrogylphics and squares" because it cant be found" Where can I delete this. I know there is a registry key that allows windows to delete anything I want it to without problems, I forgot what this is, but I need to delete that user name! I try to delete it in safe mode as the adminstrator and it still doesnt let me, HELP this sucks, I need my settings back desberately!!!!! :confused: :confused:
Im sure if you used the ultimate boot cd then that would be the easiest way to delete that account.

Also, it sounds like something could be fairly screwed up, it might be worth your time just to reformat... reformating is fun! :cool:
Log in in safe mode, Then try and delete the other account?
Before you do, Back up what you need just in case, Sounds like a winXP melt down...
Save what you can.... Re format.. easy and now you have a fresh PC..
I am using partition magic to move that file on the partition and then delete the partition easy as cake!
I removed the file and when i restarted it was good, then I restarted again and I got another stupid user account folder (still only 1 actual account) and my settings are still messed up, I think I can delete them but how do I know which one to delete? Should I delete the one I use so the one that comes back all the time will stay as my main account?
Just remformat... would be a definite fix and your system would be cleaner and better off anyways.

Save everything you want to CDs, or use partition magic to make another partition and then throw everything you want to keep onto that.
Partition magic wont let me make a new partition i have no unallocated space!!! And formatting is a waste of time, by the time I upload my 862 songs my like 50 gigs of games and all that back to my pc, ill have fixed tis problem!!!!!!
Got a dvd burner? Burn back up... Re format done..Fresh clean PC..

How long have you been tryning to fix it now? a couple days?
Reformat is everyones number one answer to fix things.. I hate going that route because 100% of the problems that happen can be fixed... I fixed this problem, so I am done, I just have one question.. In my start menu, my music and my pictures folders are gone, how do I get them back on the start menu, I only have my documents and my computer!
swirly said:
Reformat is everyones number one answer to fix things.. I hate going that route because 100% of the problems that happen can be fixed...

Its usually not worth wasting your time to fix it. Ive been doing computer repair for a while... whenever a major problem comes up (not spyware or virus related) I usually suggest a reformat. It typically takes about an hour and a half to two hours to save everything the person wants, reformat, and install all of the drivers and apps. How long did it take you to do this?

If my computer was to screw up right now with akward errors or messages , I would format... unless of course I know exactly how to fix it perfectly without it messing up again. Why? Less down time, and my system is fresh-fully-clean afterwards.
thank you after three times we are now well aware of the reformat option
something that is far easier when there is a seperate data partition, which is not the case today.

this duplicate account
what are its priveleges\membership
Have you tried the usual virus and malware scans? Make sure you take the comp offline before you scan it, just in case. I've never seen a new user account be spontaneously created before, and malware can do a lot of weird things to your box.