What is the difference between 8800 gt gts gtx


May 17, 2008
Excuse me for this ignorant post. I am a long time ATI fan and have very little knowledge of nVidia cards. Also the last time I was in the market to buy a video card I purchased the Radeon 9700 for about $400 when it first came out. I am shopping around for a new computer and I don't quite get which video card I should buy. I am pretty sure I want an 8800 but there are at least the 3 flavors mentioned in the title (maybe more I don't know about) Also I want to make sure that I am buying the G92 as opposed to the G80, I think. Could someone help me out?

The parts I plan to get is the SG 02 plastic steel version, the ASUS P5E-VM, some brand 2 gb or 4 gb of DDR-800 Ram, and an E8400. If I need to post more information please let me know. Thank you.
Welcome to the [H]! As for Nvidia's lineup, here we go.

The 8800GT and 8800GTS are identical cards except for the fact that the GTS version has 128 shader processors as opposed to 112 on the GT. The GTS also comes with higher frequencies on the core, shader, and memory right out of the box. The 9800GTX ( they just changed the naming scheme) is similar to the GTS in that it has the 128 shaders but it also has much more complex power delivery system that allows you to overclock the card a lot more than the GTS. The GTX is also a bit longer than the other two while the GTS and GT are of the same length ( 10.5" if I remember correctly).

Oh and don't confuse the 8800GTS 512MB ( G92 core) version with the G80 variants which have 320MB or 640MB of video memory. To put it in perspective, the 8800GT is fairly quicker than the older 640MB version of the 8800GTS.

As for what to get, I suggest getting the 8800GTS, perhaps from EVGA if you're interested in stepping up to the next generation of cards coming out within the next three months.
Thanx for the quick reply. Another quick question, should I spend this much on a video card if all I play is Anarchy-Online and use this as a HTPC box when I am not playing? I feel this is getting off topic tho and I will probably start another thread in the appropriate section later tonight or something. Again thank you for your reply.
Okay I just looked at the screenshots and you definitely do not need an expensive graphics card for this. I'd get the cheapest possible card, either a 9600GT by Nvidia or an HD3850 by ATI. The 3850 has nowhere near the performance of the 9600GT but it's cheaper and it will be more than enough for Anarchy-Online. However, if you foresee yourself playing anything else or something more current gen, the 9600GT will be well worth its slightly extra cost. Oh and they're both fine for an HTPC.