What is the best way to find out exactly what is using all of my memory?


[H]F Junkie
Jul 11, 2001
I've been having an issue lately where my Server/Low Power rig will begin to run noticeably slower, to the point where the UI is almost unresponsive. When I bring up Task Manager it is reporting 98-99% memory usage. Less than 50Megs are listed as Cached or Available, and "Free" is always listed as 0.

The issue is that I have no idea what is using all of my memory. I only have two running programs that are using more than 100megs of RAM, that is Firefox and Vuze(Azureus). If I add all of the memory usage reported for each individual program, even when rounding up, it doesn't come anywhere near the amount of memory windows reports is being used.

Keeping in mind that it does not show any significant amount of memory being used as cache, so this is NOT a superfech issue, what else would be using all of my available RAM without showing up in Task Manager?

This computer has 4GB of Ram and runs Windows Server 2008 R2. It's primary function is as a light server, but I also use it for stuff like web browsing, watching TV shows, movies, and listening to music; stuff where there is no need to run my main rig with it's associated heat output and power consumption.
If there are no processes listed in the Task Manager that aren't using that much RAM then it is most likely a hardware memory leak. My crapping-out video card took up all my RAM the longer the computer was on. The memory use showed nowhere, but I did find some driver using all my RAM (I honestly forget what program told me this). Despite what some may tell you, Windows doesn't just gobble up as much RAM it can to cache stuff.
Ugh, seems like it's Vuze (Azureus) doing it. Judging by the fact that when I close the program my memory usage drops from 98% to 23%...

I guess when you are seeding over 3700 torrents using a java based program, something is going to break :rolleyes:
I've never really had many problems with it until now. I am also using the latest beta version so it might just be a bug in that beta, not sure. I've used Azrueus for probably 6+ years now and many of the torrents I'm currently seeding I've been seeding for years. I maintain good ratios on quite a few trackers and have an ISP with no monthly bandwidth limit. Main reason I never switched to Utorrent is the hassle of moving 3700+ torrents over as well as just being generally familiar with Azureus and not having many problems with it until now.
3700 torrents? Way to go on the seeding! :D

I'd try a different torrent program, like uTorrent. Less resources and works just as well.