What is the best operating system for Amd duel core's?


Nov 2, 2004
Just want to know people's opinion what is the best operating system if you are a gamer on a Amd 64 or Amd X2 Duel core processor's?. Or is there no difference at all.
XP32 for games.. XP64 still has a few driver issues and compatibility issues with older games, and some newer ones as well.. They have fixed many of the newer games that had problems though.. The performance difference is pretty negligible at this point between the 2 in most games, and many apps..
I am skipping XP64 myself.. I game and surf the web on this machine, and that is pretty much it.. I guess I really don't need it.. Yet....
By the time I do need XP64, Vista will probably have had sp1 released for it already..
Are you talking about different versions of Windows? If so, when it comes to Windows XP none of the versions are "better" or "worse" for the Athlon 64 or Athlon X2 processors. Run WinXP Pro x64 Edition if you want to run a native 64bit operating system (and assuming you have 64bit drivers for your hardware). There's no difference in gaming between using XP Home, Pro, Media Center, or x64 Editions. The one exception is that i believe Starforce encumbered games have problems installing on XP x64 Edition.