What is the best architectural software out there?


Dec 8, 2009
I'm looking for something to mainly just mess around with to try to design a house for myself. I want something that will allow you to design both the inside, and outside of the house including doors, appliances, etc. What's generally seen as the best software for this that's used by architects, etc. ?
Autocad is the bread and butter, but not exactly, cheap. Unless you're debating on buying a car, maybe you can buy that instead. :D

I hear Google sketchup is good too. Otherwise I'm not sure if any others but I'm sure there's a lot more.
Haha, ah...I didn't know it was that expensive. I guess I should try to find a architectural forum or something and ask this question...maybe they will know of something that's more on the cheap side. I'll check into your recommendations as well though. Thanks! :p
If you're just wanting to toy around, sweet home 3d isn't bad.