What is a good way to copy copy protected games?


Jul 31, 2001
I have several game cds that have seen better days but still work.

I want to copy them so I can just play from the back-ups( damn "need cd to play" crap)

Anyway, I have the games, I own the games, boxes and instructions.

What I am wanting to do is not illegal but I do want to know what would be the best thing to use for copy a protected cd.

Freeware, shareware, or demo is a must since I don't have the cash to drop to buy a program or license.

Correct me if im wrong but I think you could just drag and drop all the files on the CD to the burn folder in NEro and it would work just as well. I did that when I was backingup my UT 2k3 Tourney.
Originally posted by vbp6us
Correct me if im wrong but I think you could just drag and drop all the files on the CD to the burn folder in NEro and it would work just as well. I did that when I was backingup my UT 2k3 Tourney.

Indeed, I will correct you.

The most popular copy-protection schemes out there right now are(AFAICR): Safedisc and Securom(securerom? sp? :/). Both of them operate slightly differently, however, they achieve the same thing. Just copying the files and burning the cd, or even making a standard bin/cue image of the cd will not copy over the copy protection schemes. AFAIK, one of them uses sub-channel data, which wouldn't be read into an iso image or by copying the files directly, and the other one utilises bad sectors *on purpose*, which also wouldn't be copied directly or by making an iso image.

Clonecd is as close to making an "analog" copy of a cd as you can get. That's all I'll say.
Most games, even if copied by cloneCD or other, still need the exe "cracked" to prevent it looking for the original. You can search for "no-CD" cracks and the like. Try gamecopyworld. Again, this is not intended for pirating, but for making safe backups. Something I do as I have 2 & 4 yr olds which have detroyed many disks!
Alcohol 120%

Can even copy some Copy protections in place... but you need an EFM capable burner to burn it (or just play it from the image file)
Alcohol 120% can copy CD's with all protections (and updates as new ones come out). Also when you make the iso, you dont need to make the actual CD just keep the iso on hard drive and use Daemon tools to mount the image to a virtual CD drive. Also the Daemon tools web site has an excellent forum (not the fastest respose time but good info)

Alcohol120% :http://www.alcohol-soft.com
Daemon Tools :http://www.daemon-tools.cc
club cdfreaks is a great resource to find out how to truly backup your games. The guys over there have helped me out with some of the more difficult games I had to back up in the past.
BlindWrite and Damien Tools, never had a problem with anything.
Originally posted by Rustynuts
Most games, even if copied by cloneCD or other, still need the exe "cracked" to prevent it looking for the original. You can search for "no-CD" cracks and the like. Try gamecopyworld. Again, this is not intended for pirating, but for making safe backups. Something I do as I have 2 & 4 yr olds which have detroyed many disks!

Never run into that issue with clonecd myself. Perhaps I might in regards to new copy-protection schemes, but I was able to create a backup of warcraft 3 just fine, no no-cd crack necessary.
I use ClonyXXL to get copy protection info then Alcohol 120% to burn accordingly.
DVD Copy X, but it's not exactly free, and it's in litigation troubles (it costs $70 for regular, $130 for the premium version at computer stores).
anyone buy one of those shirts with the DECSS prime number printed on it? :p
Originally posted by Spewn
anyone buy one of those shirts with the DECSS prime number printed on it? :p
:eek: That is illegal....however this is not.

Originally posted by The Chosen One
Is there an equivalent to CloneCD or Alcohol 120% for doing DVD backups?
Kind of, I use two steps...DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink both can be found here , as well as a ton of information.
Now that Jon Johansen (DeCSS writer) has been acquitted of the charges, would it still be illegal to get a DeCSS shirt? :p
Originally posted by tay829
I use ClonyXXL to get copy protection info then Alcohol 120% to burn accordingly.

Interesting, I posted this info and a week later techtv does a spot on backing up your software with these to programs. They did not even know how to convert ClonyXXL to english.
All you need is ClonyXXL and Alcohol 120%. I think that is what everyone is suggesting. Clone CD is okay but I run into alot of problems with certain games that I try to back up.