what HD do I need?

Shay Ken

May 7, 2006
hello everyone,

I'd like to buy a new HD for my pc, it has an Asus A7N8X-8X socket A mobo, I was wondering what interface HD I need for this and if I can just add it to the already existing 60 GB.

thanks in advance.
natively this board accepts IDE drives, so you are unable to add SATA drives unless you get some kind of SATA controller to put into your PCI slot.
ok and would it work to just stick another HD in there and the storage capacities add up or would there be difficulties?
It all depends on how you have it setup. Do you already have 4 devices connected to your IDE channels? If so you can't do it. If not then slave in the new IDE drive under the old one. Make sure the jumper settings are correct on both before booting.
Retne said:
It all depends on how you have it setup. Do you already have 4 devices connected to your IDE channels? If so you can't do it. If not then slave in the new IDE drive under the old one. Make sure the jumper settings are correct on both before booting.

and if Shay Ken already does have all the drives taken, he will need a controller card anyway in order to add more drives.