What game(s) are you playing this weekend?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 20, 2013
Borderlands and Bioshock are getting some business this weekend over here.
Did an hour of raid finder in wow and got no loot as always... Logged out and fired up the walking dead episode 2 which I have been meaning to play for ages.... Did that for another hour now watching hockey.
Well this weekend I played (my weekend is Fri/Sat)

Shadow Warrior (about 1 chapter)
God of War Ascension (about 25 chapters) and completed it
Beyond Two Souls (about 8-9 chapters finished last night)

Furthermore, I may indulge in some GTA V (still about 32 missions to complete), Beyond Two Souls (don't know how long I will play it), Hitman Absolution, Company of Heroes 2 if I feel upto it.
league of legends mainly along with some beyond two souls and Wolf Among Us.
DotA 2, and maybe some Ass Creed 3.

I need to beat AC3...at least before the next one comes out. I'm such a failure at beating games, always get like 75% done then other crap comes up.
I had to build my own ClearOS gateway out of a 1100T, 8gb, 128gb SSD today JUST TO GET UT3 SERVER RUNNING. So I guess I will play the shit out of it now. Thanks EPIC for making it easy.
Planetary Annihilation
Batman AA (trying to get psyched to start it)
Some LOL spread inbetween
Red Orchestra 2
World of Tanks

And maybe anything else I download (just done a new windows install).
Finished Beyond: Two souls this morning. Amazing.
Gonna get one some Kerbal Space Program career mode ever since .22 update. Should be fun.
Might get on some GTA5 online later.
War Thunder, Path of Exile and probably some L4D2 at some point.
Unfortunately this has been a busy weekend for me, so I only had some time for Path of Exile. Getting myself back into it for the upcoming patch
Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas will see plenty of use this weekend; especially Skyrim. I want to get my one-handed weapons skill up a little higher so I don't get my ass handed to me as much as it is happening now.
Dragon Age, Empire Total War and have a guild run of Scum and Villanity in ToR

Also I just need to kill marquis Montalban in Sid Meier's Pirates, to make my vengeance complete :)
Just finished Crysis 3 since the last time I killed the final boss, finishing wasn't actually possible since they hadn't patched in the fix yet.

Probably going to finish the BF3 campaign just because, then either replay HL2 or start .... something.
ive been playing blacklight retribution a lot lately
but i logged in today an all the items ive worked so hard to get are gone.

so i guess just cs go.
Just beat Psychonauts and started playing Ticket to Ride and Limbo.

Would be playing GTA 5 but I'm at work so I'm relegated to gaming on my laptop. But that's not too bad when my job involves sitting around doing nothing with permission to play games and watch movies for 12 hours and getting paid overtime the entire time. Oh, and a $100 bonus. :)
MechWarrior Online, primarily. The game's at the stage now where it feels amply varied and balanced, but not too balanced.

Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas will see plenty of use this weekend;
especially Skyrim. I want to get my one-handed weapons skill up a little higher so I don't get my ass handed to me as much as it is happening now.
Set the difficulty mode to Legendary and grab a noose! It's a completely stupid and ridiculous way to play it, but it's...kind of fun, too.