What do you listen to while gaming?


Apr 8, 2002
I know some people like to put on music while they're gaming, especially while grinding in an MMORPG, for instance.

I'm curious to what some people listen to.

Personally the music I put on varies a lot. The majority of it is fast-paced, hip-hop, techno, rock. And some days I enjoy some nice classical music :)

It definately helps ease me a bit, not to mention make those boring grinds go by much quicker.
I usually listen to the music bundled with the game. With the exception of the NFS Underground series and Most Wanted. I usually just turn the music off or down to teh point where I can't hear it over the ambient noises of the cars.
In WoW it was always a variety of music... alternative, rock, rap, hip hop, metal, etc... Then in the later periods I was watching DVD's while I grinded... which got me killed often. I never played the game music because it always failed to loop so I'd just end up with no sounds.
DudeItsMe said:
In WoW it was always a variety of music... alternative, rock, rap, hip hop, metal, etc... Then in the later periods I was watching DVD's while I grinded... which got me killed often. I never played the game music because it always failed to loop so I'd just end up with no sounds.

Lol, every now and then I'd watch a dvd too. I had a dual mirror set up so that I could see the TV behind me without the picture being reversed.
showgun said:
Lol, every now and then I'd watch a dvd too. I had a dual mirror set up so that I could see the TV behind me without the picture being reversed.
Now THAT is [H]ard! I just had dual monitors
Don't tend to listen to much of anything while gaming other the the game's soundtrack but on the rare chance I do listen to music not from the game's soundtrack, it tends to be whatever fits the mood. If I'm playing something fast paced I tend to listen to my general mix of hard rock. I tend to listen to slower paced music for slow games (Pink Floyd, primarily) . For games that don't have a mood, I just fire up Winamp and hit the random button.
talley said:
qft, never teach your sisters how to use cheapshots and counters in fighting games.

My sisters to f**cking retarded.....

1. If its a FPS like UT nothing but the game.
2. Racing game that has a good soundtrack i play with that.
3. Racing game with crappy soundtrack i use my own mix (Blacksabbath, slayer, pantera, ETC)
4. Most other games i just listen to the game....
If I listen to anything, its always the shoutcast station Chronix Aggression. Check it out www.chronixradio.com! Best Rock shoutcast staion ever.
If I listen to anything, it's my whole library on shuffle, usually.

Though sometimes I'll use my Inflames and Opeth playlist only.
While playing fps games online, music is forbidden since enemy movement sound and locating objectives with sound is so important... although when playing mmorpgs or racing games, music is essential. I usually have a mix of electronica ( boards of canada, lamb, ninja tunes ) to anything emo, acoustic, alternative etc... MC / Bwl raids are good with some hardcore, metal, punk songs mixed in. :D
Hardcore, to get me amped up to kill the fuck out of ppl


then everything on shuffle
When I play CS and Guild Wars, I always listen to some Metallica. Dont know why, it just makes the game so much better. But like the above poster, in most FPS's I dont listen to music as every critical sound in the game is important.
Nothing but the ingame sfx. Nothing more annoying than music drowning out footsteps when you're sniping in BF2 :D
DI.fm stream
Most of the time it's great some times it's not so great. Playing CS:S I don't listen to any tunes but when I'm playing GW or something I turn on the tunes.
First off I play FPS games almost exclusively.

When playing single player I often listen to the game music. Adds to the suspense.

But for online multi-player I always turn off the music. Need those auditory cues like
footsteps and such to get every frag possible.
When pubbing on CS (since like the poster before I play FPS almost exlcusively) I listen to a variety of hard music, usually it's 40 Below Summer, Pantera, Slayer, or another great band to start and then I just let it go through my playlist and change to a new band whenever I feel like it after I get fragged. In BF2 I usually don't listen to music, with 5.1 surround I crank the volume and sprint through arty attacks :p.
What do I listen to while gaming? The game. I don't listen to music when i'm playing a game, unless it's part of the game.
In WoW, I usually listen to P3 [1]. When they aren't any good [2], the weekly Radio Goethe webcast is often worth listening to, or I'll pick something from my playlist. Lately this has been Flogging Molly (irish-sounding, punkish) and Dropkick Murphys (same, but a bit harder), Wolfsheim (german electronica), and the always wonderful Röyksopp albums (electronica).

NFS and the like is often played with only the ingame sounds (not the music).

[1] I like national broadcasters offering mp3 and ogg/vorbis streams in good quality. If all webcasts had been 172kbps vorbis I'd be grateful.
[2] After midnight, they co-send with the much more ... conservative P1. Slow ballads makes for bad gaming.
Susquehannock said:
First off I play FPS games almost exclusively.

When playing single player I often listen to the game music. Adds to the suspense.

But for online multi-player I always turn off the music. Need those auditory cues like
footsteps and such to get every frag possible.

I'm the exact same way. I try playing music when I play HL2 DM, but I always end up turning it off after like 5 minutes cause it distracts my hearing of enemies footsteps and other various things.
I play Halo PC with the game ambient music off and Disturbed running in WinAMP. Kickass, woot!
Susquehannock said:
First off I play FPS games almost exclusively.

When playing single player I often listen to the game music. Adds to the suspense.

But for online multi-player I always turn off the music. Need those auditory cues like
footsteps and such to get every frag possible.

first off id just like to say i play cs with no sound only paul wall and i actually play better than i do when i can hear the footsteps... im just that good
In CS:S on fy_iceworld_arena , nothing is better than fast-paced trance... really gets you pumping... thats why I rank 7 out of the server ;)
Susquehannock said:
First off I play FPS games almost exclusively.

When playing single player I often listen to the game music. Adds to the suspense.

But for online multi-player I always turn off the music. Need those auditory cues like
footsteps and such to get every frag possible.

Agreed. Good set of headphones are a must for FPS games.
Metal all the way

Strapping Young Lad
Children of Bodom
Dimmu Borgir
....you get the idea
DI's happyhardcore, trance, vocal trance and sometimes classical stations :)
The Fucking Champs nearly exclusively for any sort of action-oriented games, i.e. fighters, shooters, & so forth.

FPS, though... No music at all. Gotta hear what's coming.
I typically listen to XM satellite radio.

XM44 Fred - Classic Alternative
XM47 Ethel - Modern Alternative
XM48 Squizz - Modern hard rock
XM52 Unsigned - Canadian rock
XM53 Fungus - Punk/Ska/Oi/etc

The channel I listen to depends on the mood I am in.
ameoba said:
Played Tribes 2 too, huh?

With a team good on offense, heavy flag defense can get BO-RING. Thank the gods for that plugin! :p
No music during FPS games, but anything from contemporary piano to Dark Tranquillity during Diablo 2 :)
Actually clasical is kinda fun when playing a fps such as fear. You pop out, engage slomo, and start pumping out head shots as you waltz through the office building. lol.
Most of the time its something like Tool, A Perfect Circle, Deftones or Mudvayne.