What codec would be watchable on an ANCIENT system?


Apr 2, 2002
I'm trying to figure out if there isn't some sort of encoding I could use that would make some of my favorite stuff viewable when I'm away from home on my crappy old laptop with it's mere P1 at 75MHz and only 40MB of not particularly fast ram. Thing is, things like huffyuv are out because it just can't handle that sort of throughput. Even if I copy whatever file I'm using to my HD (which is impossible since I don't have much space and really low compressions like huffyuv are large, but, I did try small test files to no avail) it's just not fast enough to handle that kind of bandwidth. So, I need something more low-end. Before you think it's impossible, I do remember having watched some little videos way back in the days of early dos games, which admitedly were very quality limited (8-bit tops, I'd like to see 16-bit if I could, but, 8 might be the max) and, I remember watching a sample disc from Boot magazine demonstrating videos of a not particularly good old show on what I think was a 486 machine if I remember correctly. (Mainly I recall I originally watched in Windows 3.1 and the demo part of the disc was really slow and jumpy, but, the videos themselves were fine from outside the demo.) I may remember wrong though, I may have had the P1-90 by that time (it's been so many years....)

Any ideas? So far my attempts haven't found something, but, it may be I'm just not finding the right combination. As far as bandwidth goes, it really needs to run off of a CD-R and the drive is a 4x (probably runs closer to 2x on CDRs.)

I used to think it wasn't possible, but, just recently I remembered that old demo disc running in Windows 3.1 even, so I realized it still can be done, just not so easily with modern tools since they are made for modern systems.
You're not going to run any video off a CD-ROM on that machine.
You did understand that I was saying that it HAS been done? As in I have directly seen it done many times?

I remember playing little making ofs and trailers with many of my sierra games even back in the days of when I had a mere 486/33 (or the 25 which had much more cache, so tended to be faster despite the clock difference.)