What are going to be the new 'professional' games?


May 16, 2006
Ok, so people have become professional gamers by games like the quake series, counter strike, strarcraft, war3, Halo etc...
But what about now with all the new games? Won't some of these games be superceded? And if so, what games will become the new 'professional' games?
the ones that become the most popular

if i had to guess out of the upcoming games i would say ut2k7
Gears of War

Played against what had to be a familiar team....had my ass HANDED to me :p I got like 1 kill out of 17 matches then just said...no more...another day
nonameo said:
supreme commander....

doubt it

i dont know of many RTS's that became pro games ad played at lans, besides from the graphics wise it looks like any other RTS the last 10 years, so it better have some serious back end.

UT2k7 for sure.
Seems that the ones with the original engines tend to have the staying power...
MrGuvernment said:
doubt it

i dont know of many RTS's that became pro games ad played at lans, besides from the graphics wise it looks like any other RTS the last 10 years, so it better have some serious back end.

UT2k7 for sure.
are you joking, and lets not forget the fact that it does require quite a bit of strategy....and nuking bases is FUN
Sponsors pump money into consoles. So I guess Halo3/GoW will be the next big thing until games come out on computer again.

Starcraft is still the highest paying professional video game. Counter-Strike 1.6 is second.
UT2007, CS:Source, and BF2142 as the main FPS titles played professionally, those three are pretty much guarenteed.
Quake 3 will replace Quake 1 i think

Starcraft still reigns for RTS tho

there u go, the 2 definitive games for the 2 most important genres
Q4 is here for a long while on the FPS Side, nothing coming out will beat it for 1v1's for a while, CS:S (ffs die already) and ET:QW on the team based.

Don't know about RTS tbh, I've not played enough of the new stuff to get a good idea.
I don't think console games should be counted in the next "pro" games thread. I find using a control pad to aim, shoot and move with ruins any "pro" aspect. I've won many a Quake 3 OSP and CPMA lans locally. I have always and will always consider kb/mouse to be the pro standard. You won't be watching any crazy flick shots of some guy on a console heh:)
Unreal Tournament 2007 for sure, it's always had a loyal fanbase of hardcore professional gamers, one of the reasons it's never grown to be as popular as Counter Strike, it's far harder to get good at the UT games due to their complex nature.
I think you guys have kind of a skewed definition of "professional".

For one, professional gamers can't just latch onto one single game. They have to join various tournements of multiple games - the games that are the most popular at the moment.

Winning a random $2000 at a Halo tourney doesn't make you a professional.
MrGuvernment said:
doubt it

i dont know of many RTS's that became pro games ad played at lans, besides from the graphics wise it looks like any other RTS the last 10 years, so it better have some serious back end.

O rly
Starcraft has a massive following in Asia with competitions and such (DoW is actually getting quite popular in pro circles as well)
PoweredBySoy said:
I think you guys have kind of a skewed definition of "professional".

For one, professional gamers can't just latch onto one single game. They have to join various tournements of multiple games - the games that are the most popular at the moment.

Winning a random $2000 at a Halo tourney doesn't make you a professional.

what about landing a $250,000 contract to play halo?
PoweredBySoy said:
I think you guys have kind of a skewed definition of "professional".

For one, professional gamers can't just latch onto one single game. They have to join various tournements of multiple games - the games that are the most popular at the moment.

Winning a random $2000 at a Halo tourney doesn't make you a professional.

For the proper professionals that's bollocks tbh, you can only get to the real top drawer top money by only dedicating yourself to one game.

I'm friends with one of the best natural gamers around and even he couldn't make up that last 10% that took him into the top 10 or 20 players without dedicating himself almost solely to one game at a time.
PoweredBySoy said:
I think you guys have kind of a skewed definition of "professional".

For one, professional gamers can't just latch onto one single game. They have to join various tournements of multiple games - the games that are the most popular at the moment.

Winning a random $2000 at a Halo tourney doesn't make you a professional.

The CPL World Tour 2005 was based on one game(Painkiller), which Fatal1ty dedicated himself to and won about $600,000. Vo0 won about $450,000.
MrGuvernment said:
i dont know of many RTS's that became pro games ad played at lans, besides from the graphics wise it looks like any other RTS the last 10 years, so it better have some serious back end.

dude is that a joke? you must be thinking of some other game, the supreme commander graphics are way better then any RTS out. first RTS ever to support (32bit) HDR (it has come to my attention age of empires three supported HDR, it does, but it is 16 bit accurate).

and Starcraft is MASSIVE in korea. as big as, if not bigger, then CS is here.

i hope supreme commander becomes popular. but the only way to do that for the adds to push the game as multiplayer. make sure people know that the game fully supports multiplayer, and encourage it. Supreme comander could become huge. depends on if you can get those people still on B-net off their arses.
MrWizard6600 said:
dude is that a joke? you must be thinking of some other game, the supreme commander graphics are way better then any RTS out. first RTS ever to support HDR.

and Starcraft is MASSIVE in korea. as big as, if not bigger, then CS is here.

i hope supreme commander becomes popular. but the only way to do that for the adds to push the game as multiplayer. make sure people know that the game fully supports multiplayer, and encourage it. Supreme comander could become huge. depends on if you can get those people still on B-net off their arses.
SC is huge in Korea, nationally televised tourneys are common-place.
MrWizard6600 said:
dude is that a joke? you must be thinking of some other game, the supreme commander graphics are way better then any RTS out. first RTS ever to support HDR.

Uh...Age of Empire 3 supported HDR first
Hynox.Rain said:
Natural games = Gamers who don't take steroids ?

Natural Gamers are the ones with the fast reactions and best aim, in whatever game. Practiced ones are those that will just through virtue of better movement and map knowledge, you can effectively win at that style by not allowing the opponent to get any pick ups :)
the teams need to be too large for a proper game.

That and EA boned the community with the lack of support.
fromage said:
The CPL World Tour 2005 was based on one game(Painkiller), which Fatal1ty dedicated himself to and won about $600,000. Vo0 won about $450,000.

tpfaff said:
I still ask myself....why painkiller...who plays painkiller

Exactly my point.

Professional gamers go where the money is. They're not tied down to one game.
SoniCraze said:
I never see battlefield mentioned in these threads, any reason?

because it isnt a skill based game like Quake or Unreal

characters move too slow, aim isn't so determined by the individual player, etc....

battlefield is for, and played by, noobs
brucedeluxe169 said:
because it isnt a skill based game like Quake or Unreal

characters move too slow, aim isn't so determined by the individual player, etc....

battlefield is for, and played by, noobs

The game, like any, takes PLENTY of skill if you want to excel at a high level. The amount of coordination, strategy, and teamwork involved can be a lot. Yeah I admit, the aiming system sucks, but just because a game is different in the style of play dosn't mean it's full of "noobs".
anyone know of any competivite channels for starcraft or server?