What AMD proc should I use for a web/ftp server?


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2005
I was wondering if anyone could reccomend a good proc for a web/ftp server.

I'm not expecting a lot of traffic on my site. Though I want to backup all my dvds and use my HTPC to watch them.

If anyone knows a good AMD proc between 70 to 110 dollars I would appreciate their input.

mobile athlonXP

if you can justify the price, a s754 2800+ a64 would work quite well too, but run hotter in that HTPC case
what do you already have? if you are buying all the parts.. instead of using stuff you already have and getting a few extras i will tell you to wait until the dell sc420 servers go on sale for $250 again.. right now they are $320 i think.. and you still can't build the same comptuer for that much money...
what do you have already?
I haven't purchased anything yet.
I was looking at the Dell Server. I think I'll wait for their sale.

I just wish Dell would offer AMD.
i actually use an old optiplex for apache/mysql/irssi/naim server. It works suprisingly well; all pIII450mhz of it. If you are planning on doing anything too tasking on it; whatever u have lieing around could probably handle it fine
Memory is probably the biggest key to a well running server. I have a Pentium5 750MHz that I've used as a server and when it came to file transfer and webserver-based things, memory (512MB is what I had, 1x256 2x128) is what it wanted more of....that and it needed a faster IDE interface since I think the Asus board it had was only ATA66 or something.

But having a decent processor behind it isn't a bad thing to have tho ;) Adds to responsiveness....I'd say an AthlonXP would be your best bet for price/performance.
I'd say get a mobile athlon and underclock/undervolt it and run a low rpm fan on it. Good performance to sound ratio.
I had considered the sempron. I know that I will probally get flamed to all get out but I won't buy any of AMD's proc's if they don't have the heat spreader. It's a sad tale of two cpu's that I killed. I know I can shim them, but it's too traumatic to even look at them. :(

Anyways, thank you all again. Now I am torn between building my own box, or buying the dell sc420. Building your own box is so rewarding, but Dell's prices are so cheap.

Im ranting and I must get back to work.

Thanks for the help

Shims aren't recommended for OPGA, newer substrate thats green or tan...

They were recommended for CPGA, purplish ceramique substrate...

Something definately wrong if your cracking cores though on an OPGA processor...
A sempron (or celeron for that matter, but I'd get a Sempron way before a celeron) is perfectly fine for a webserver/fileserver. As long as you don't plan on doing anything severly CPU-bound (running a game server, for instance) it'll do the job....remember memory/harddrives are what servers need before a CPU for web based stuff and file storage....as long as it's not hosting 100 pretty active sites ;)
I purchased an AMD opteron 144 yesterday (stupid impulse buying but the price was right). Now I am looking for a good mobo.
Any suggestions? Or should I sell the proc and get something else?
