WGE101 or WGE111 for gaming console (X-box)?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 10, 2002
I was looking on newegg and found 2 adapters for a gaming console. I'm interested in running X-box live and want to know what the difference between these 2 is. The WGE101 has a 10$ rebate that also works with my new WGT624 router. What is better about the WGE111?

Also how much does X-box live cost every month? I don't really want o pay too much for something I might not use very often. Anyone else here running X-box Live? Is it worth it? I havent used my X-box in a long itme but recently bought Halo 2 and it says 2 free months of X-bhox live are included.
I would go with the wge111, its specifically designed for systems, xbox live is $5.99 per month last i checked (bout 4 months ago) and yea it is worth it if you have halo2- i never use my xbox, then i bought halo 2 and now im using live again.
thats what I didn't like about the WGE111, it can only be used for gaming systems where as the other is $12 less and seems more flexable...that is to say it can do everything the WGE111 can do. What is the real difference between the two units other than one is only for consoles and costs more?

Thanks for the info on the X-box live
??? anyone??? Someone has to know? I need to know because I can only mail in one rebate for multiple items. So I need to purchase the item and have it shipped really soon or else my rebate will be postmarked out of the 30 day period.
You might want to go with the gaming, because the bridge might need soft-ware installed... good thing about the gaming is, No drivers needed or any thing software related.
I called netgear and was told both can be used for either an X-box or PC.

The only difference is that the WGE101 can be used to hook up multiple computers thoguh a switch. Sounds like the obvious choice is to go with the WGE101!

In fact It is about to make the Wireless USB adapter I bought a waste of money! Why did I buy a stupid wireless Adapter when I could have just purchased a bridge! Damn waht a waste of $72! Someone tell me what the point in getting this thing was!