Went back from vista64 to xp64


Limp Gawd
Feb 27, 2006
Ive been a user of Vista64 ultimate for the last 3 months, I loved vista but it didnt feel like a 64bits OS to me because since day 1 Ive been having serious performance issues when heavy hdd activity was involved ( the mouse stopped responding , audio stutters, stutters in general)

Since it was a brand new operating system I let it pass, thinking that maybe it was my fault, so I upgraded my bios , the mobo drivers & my vga drivers

but the stutters still where there. I used to play games while I let some software installation run in the background , this in vista64 was impossible because of the stutters

yesterday I decided to end all of this issues by formatting my drive and installing xp64 bits

I gotta say that it everything is pretty fast , no stutters at all even in high HDD activity

but to be honest I miss the new GUI interface and I wish someday I could pop up my 400$ os back in, maybe there is an issue with my hardware that Im not been able to detect?

what do you think? maybe you could help about it?

rig is the quadcore in my sig

pd: sry the typos
Installing software of uncompressing zip files or allocating +2gb of hdd for torrent downloads

ah moving files around also make it happen