Weird problem with games in windows


Jun 25, 2004
Hi all,

I've had a problem with games freezing for a second every now and then for a while now.
I finally found out that when task manager is open, this won't happen, so for now I have to keep task manager open when playing.
What's also weird, is that if I forgot to open task manager before I run the game, and then open it while the game is running, the Nvidia driver crashes.

It started happening when I was still using Win7, but it's still the same under Win8.
Using a GTX670.

Anyone ever came across something like that? I searched the net for possible solutions for a while, but found nothing, not even people that had that issue.

Well, check if you have all the latest videocard drivers. Or simply just over-install them.
Check all the windows updates also, clean your temp folders and see if there aren't too many stuff in the windows start-up programs list.
Thanks, but I did all that already.
It's a really weird issue. Guess I have to reinstall windows