Weird pinning of drive in Win 10 File explorer.


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 27, 2003
So i think some random clicks go this like it was.... it's annoying as hell.

It looks like a drive of mine got somehow linked or snapped to the side bar outside of "this PC"

There are no options to remove it when I right click, anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of it? The same drive also shows up under "this PC" which is how I want it.

Are you sure drive W: is not an external drive (or marked a removable?) By default Windows 10 will show external/removable drives separately below "This PC" as well as under "This PC" just like you are seeing.

I am not aware of any way to change this behavior but I have found it quite handy a few times now for quickly accessing external hard drives so I am not so sure I would want to change it personally anyway.

If it is an internal drive then I am not sure what would be going on.
It actually is an external drive -- but I've had the drive plugged in for 6 months and it's never been like this (always shown properly in "this pc", it's like the machine just now figured out it was an external (months and months later)

Win10 did just do some updates... wondering if that messed something up.
It actually is an external drive -- but I've had the drive plugged in for 6 months and it's never been like this (always shown properly in "this pc", it's like the machine just now figured out it was an external (months and months later)

Win10 did just do some updates... wondering if that messed something up.
The other person is correct, external drives show up in both places, and have always shown up in both places.

It does look like you have Classic Shell Explorer installed, right? Maybe an older version of that blocked the icon but a new version allows it?
possibly -- I do have classic shell installed (love it) will have to do some monkeying with it.